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Op zoek naar : welke Gerrit? wie is Mie? Zoals altijd, elke hulp is welkom. Bedankt, Roeland
Vane, Anny née Zuurdeeg

Information from : Vane, Anny née Zuurdeeg - born 6.11.1899 Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany. Widow of Dr Willy Edgar von Lieberman. Both died in London, he in 1950s-60s. Any information is welcome, Thanks,
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Dietrich ZUURDEEG - Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn - 1883

Who has information about this person? Is it Family? Any Relation with Dr Zuurdeeg of Frankfort, South-Africa? ZUURDEEG Dietrich. ? Ueber Verlauf und Entstehung eines Aneurysma aortae mit Perforation in den rechten Vorhof. Inaugural-Dissertation... vertheidigt am 28. Juli 1883... von Dietrich Zuurdeeg. ? Bonn, C. Georgi, 1883, in-8«. [8° Bonn. méd. 45 Thesis (doctoral)--Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universita?t Bonn, 1883 [Anévrvsme de l'aorte avec perforation dans l'oreillette droite.] ? Aus dem patholo- giscben Institut z\\ Bonn. [De l'Institut pathologique de Bonn.)
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Johann Zuurdeeg - Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg im Breisgau - 1889

Who has information about this person? Is it Family? ZUURDEEG Johann : Ueber Trinitroazoxy- und Trinitroazobenzole / (1889) Thesis (doctoral)--Albert-Ludwigs-Universita?t Freiburg im Breisgau, 1889.
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 Mystery Photos

Brief van Gerrit ZUURDEEG

Who has an idea of which Gerrit ZUURDEEG it is? Any information about Mie SNOEPZOET?
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Brief van Gerrit ZUURDEEG

Who has an idea of which Gerrit ZUURDEEG it is? Any information about Mie SNOEPZOET?
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