Report Name |
Description |
1. | Individuals marked as living | Individuals marked as "living" with age > 90 years |
2. | Living People | As far as information is available and/or provided |
3. | individuals with an unknown date of death | individuals with an unknown date of death |
4. | indivuals ordered by ascending age | indivuals ordered by ascending age (only deceased) |
5. | People sorted on date | This gives you a list of the people born before 1900, sorted on date of birth |
6. | People in Europe | People in Europa |
7. | People not in Europa | People in the Branches Africa, Canada, Indonesie, USA |
8. | Families sorted according to number of children | |
9. | Families: Twins | Families: Twins |
10. | Families: twins, triplets.. | Families: twins, triplets.. |
11. | Individuals (not: families!) with number of associated children | Individuals (not: families!) with number of associated children |
12. | individuals married with age <= 18 years | individuals married with age <= 18 years |
13. | individuals married with age >= 80 years | individuals married with age >= 80 years |
14. | Same sex marriages | |
15. | Wezen zonder partner en kinderen, Orphans without partner and children | Mensen die dus aan niemand verbonden zijn.
Open de links in het rapport alstublieft in een nieuw venster.http://www.zuurdeeg.net/admin/tng_right.gif
Persons who are connected to nobody.
Open the links in the report please in a new window. |
16. | All the women in the database sorted on first name | Een overzicht van alle vrouwen in het bestand gesorteerd op first_name |
17. | All the men in the database sorted on first name | Alle mannen in de database gesorteerd op first_name, |
18. | Changed persons in the last 90 days | Lijst van personen waarin veranderingen en of toevoegingen zijn gedaan in de laatste 90 dagen, gesorteerd aflopend op de veranderdatum List of the the people which changed the last 90 days, sorted on the last change date |
19. | Document changes | Veranderingen van de laatste 90 dagen in documenten, ZONDER de gelinkte personen. Documents/histories changed within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals) |
20. | Changes in histories with people | Veranderde documenten, levensverhalen MET links naar de personen Documents/histories changed within the last 90 days (listing *with* linked individuals) |
21. | Changed families | Gezinnen die verandert zijn in de laatste 90 dagen Families changed within the last 90 days |
22. | Changes in headstones (Last 90 days w.o. people | headstones: changes within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals and *without* linked cemeteries) |
23. | Changed headstones with links to cemetries | Headstones: changes within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals but *with* linked cemeteries) |
24. | Changed photos, without links to people | Photos changed within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals) |
25. | Photos changed within the last 90 days | Photos changed within the last 90 days (listing *with* linked individuals) |
26. | all occuring places, including place levels | all occuring places, including place levels |
27. | individuals: frequency distribution of zodiacal signs | individuals: frequency distribution of zodiac signs |
28. | individuals without date of birth/baptism/death/burial | individuals without date of birth/baptism/death/burial (empty date fields) |
29. | individuals without places | individuals without places - missing birth/baptism/death/burial place (empty place fields) |
30. | individuals: age frequency distribution | individuals: age frequency distribution (only deceased)
Individuen: leeftijdsgrafieken (alleen overledenen) |
31. | individuals: age frequency per decade | individuals: age frequency per decade (only deceased), one = equals 100 people
Individuen: leeftijdsverdeling per 10 jaren (alleen overledenen), een = is 100 mensen |
32. | inviduals: birthdays in the current month | inviduals: birthdays in the current month (only deceased persons) |
33. | individuals with an unclear date of birth | individuals with an unclear date of birth e.g. "ABT", "BEF", "AFT", "CAL" |
34. | individuals: birth frequency by century | individuals: birth frequency by century, one = equals 100 people
Individuen: geboortegrafieken per eeuw, een = is 100 mensen |
35. | individuals: birth frequency by decades | individuals: birth frequency by decades, one = equals 50 people
Individuen: geboortegrafieken per 10 jaren, een = is 50 mensen |
36. | individuals: birth frequency by calendar months | individuals: birth frequency by calendar months, one = equals 50 people
Individuen: geboortegrafieken per kalendermaand, een = is 50 mensen |
37. | individuals: baptism frequency by century | individuals: baptism frequency by century, one = equals 100 people
Individuen: doopgrafieken per eew, een = is 100 mensen |
38. | individuals: days between birth and baptism | individuals: number of days from birth and baptism
individuen: aantal dagen tussen geboorte en doop |
39. | individuals: frequency distribution of days from birth to baptism | individuals: frequency distribution of days from birth to baptism, one = equals 10 people
Individuen: grafiek van de verdeling van dagen tussen geboorte en doop, een = is 10 mensen |
40. | individuals with 50. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 50. birthdate this year or next year |
41. | individuals with 60. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 60. birthdate this year or next year |
42. | individuals with 65. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 65. birthdate this year or next year |
43. | individuals with 70. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 70. birthdate this year or next year |
44. | individuals with 75. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 75. birthdate this year or next year |
45. | individuals with 80. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 80. birthdate this year or next year |
46. | individuals with 85. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 85. birthdate this year or next year |
47. | individuals with 90. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 90. birthdate this year or next year |
48. | individuals with 100. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 100. birthdate this year or next year |
49. | individuals, by place of birth | individuals, sorted by place of birth |
50. | individuals, by place of baptism | individuals, by place of baptism |
51. | individuals with and unclear date of death | individuals with and unclear date of death |
52. | individuals: death frequency by century | individuals: death frequency by century, one = equals 100 people
Individuen: overlijdensgrafieken per eeuw, een = is 100 mensen |
53. | individuals: birth frequency by day-of-week | individuals: birth frequency by day-of-week one = equals 50 people Individuen: geboorte grafieken per dag van de week, een = is 50 mensen |
54. | individuals: death frequency by decades | individuals: death frequency by decades one = equals 20 people Individuen: overlijdensgrafieken per 10 jaar, een = is 20 mensen |
55. | individuals: death frequency by calendar months | individuals: death frequency by calendar months one = equals 50 people
Individuen: overlijdensgrafieken per kalendermaand, een = is 50 mensen |
56. | individuals: death frequency by day-of-week | individuals: death frequency by day-of-week one = equals 50 people
Individuen: overlijdensgrafieken per dag van de week, een = is 50 mensen |
57. | families with missing partners | families with missing partners |
58. | families: marriage frequency by century | families: marriage frequency by century one = equals 100 people
Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per eeuw, een = is 100 mensen |
59. | families: marriage frequency by decades | families: marriage frequency by decades one = equals 10 people
Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per eeuw, een = is 10 mensen |
60. | families: marriage frequency by day-of-week | families: marriage frequency by day-of-week one = equals 50 people
Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per dag van de week, een = is 50 mensen |
61. | families: marriage frequency by calendar month | families: marriage frequency by calendar month one = equals 50 people
Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per kalendermaand, een = is 50 mensen |
62. | families: frequency distribution of marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of marriage age,
Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per huwelijksleeftijd |
63. | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by year one = equals 50 people
Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per huwelijksleeftijd van de vrouw, een = is 50 mensen |
64. | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by year one = equals 50 people
Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per huwelijksleeftijd van de man, een = is 50 mensen |
65. | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by 5-year-steps | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by 5-year-steps one = equals 50 people
Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken van de vrouw's huwelijksleeftijd met 5 jaar stappen, een = is 50 mensen |
66. | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by 5-year-steps | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by 5-year-steps one = equals 50 people
Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken van de man's huwelijksleeftijd met 5 jaar stappen, een = is 50 mensen |
67. | families: occuring marriage types without names (but with frequency) | families: occuring marriage types without names (but with frequency) one = equals 5 people
Gezinnen: "typen huwelijk" zonder namen maar met aantallen, een = is 5 mensen |
68. | individuals with missing father or missing mother | individuals with missing father or missing mother |
69. | Incomplete families | Families where husband or wife is missing |
70. | families, ordered by husband's name | families, ordered by husband's name |
71. | families, ordered by wife's maiden name | families, ordered by wife's maiden name |
72. | families: husbands | families: husbands |
73. | families: marriage types with individuals (with personIDs *and* names) | families: marriage types with individuals (with personIDs *and* names) |
74. | families: wifes | families: wifes |
75. | Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother | Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother |
76. | birthday to death, one = equals 10 people | individuals: frequency distribution of days from birthday to death, one = equals 10 people
Individuen: grafiek van de verdeling van dagen tussen verjaardig en overlijden, een = is 10 mensen |
77. | Dagen verschil tussen dood en leven | / Individuals: frequency distribution of difference (in "absolute" weeks) between day/month of birth and day/month of death |
78. | individuals: number of days between birth and death | individuals: number of days between birthday and death
individuen: aantal dagen tussen verjaardag en overlijden |