Helena Dirks KAPTEYN

Female 1682 - 1726  (43 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1682: CA - Robert Cavelier, sieur de la Salle reaches the mouth of the Mississippi River and claims the entire Mississippi Valley for France, naming the area Louisiana.
  • 1682: US - William Penn's treaty with the Delaware begins a period of friendly relations between the Quakers and Indians.
  • 1683: CA - After the death of Louis XIV's brilliant minister, J. B. Colbert, France's interest in the colonies wanes.
  • 1686: England - James II disregards Test Act; Roman Catholics appointed to public office
  • 1686: CA - De Troyes and D'Iberville capture three English posts on James Bay (June-July).
  • 1686: CA - King James II and Louis XIV sign neutrality pact handing forts of St. John's and Port Royal back to the French.
  • 1686: NL - De Sint Maartensvloed kost in de provincie Groningen 1558 mensenlevens.
  • 1686: NL - Groote watervloed : alleen in 't Oldambt zouden 482 menschen verdronken zijn.
  • 1689: England - Convention Parliament issues Bill of Rights; establishes a constitutional monarchy in Britain; bars Roman Catholics from the throne; Toleration Act grants freedom of worship to dissenters in England; Grand Alliance of the League of Augsburg, England, and the Netherlands
  • 1689: England - King William's War: English Colonies vs France 1689-1697.
  • 1689: Londonderry, Ireland - Catholic forces loyal to James II land from France and lay siege
  • 1689: CA - For the next 8 years, King William's War (American counterpart of the War of the Grand Alliance in Europe) -- Abenakis, Penobscot, other New England tribes, attacked by English and their Iroquois allies. This is the first of the French-English wars for control of North America, continuing to 1763. During these wars, the Iroquois League generally sides with the English, and the Algonquian tribes with the French.
  • 1689: CA - Nicolas Perrot formally claims upper Mississippi region for France.
  • 1689: CA - The Iroquois kill many French settlers at Lachine.
  • 1689: NL - Willem III wordt koning van Engeland.
  • 13 Feb 1689: England - William III and Mary II, rulers of England to 1702. House of Stuart (restored): Son of William, Prince of Orange, by Mary, daughter of Charles I. Mary eldest daughter of James II. She died 1694.
  • 1690: England - John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • 1690: India - The English found Calcutta
  • 1690: Ireland - Battle of the Boyne: James II defeated, flees into exile
  • 1690: Salem, Massachusetts - The first shipment of bananas arrived in the colonies
  • 1690: CA - Sent by Massachusetts, Sir William Phips captures Port Royal (11 May). Frontenac repels Phips' attack on Quebec (October). These events are part of what is sometimes called King William's War.
  • 3 Oct 1691: Limerick, Ireland - The Treaty of Limerick allows Catholics in Ireland to exercise their religion freely, but severe penal laws soon follow. The French War begins
10 1692 
  • 1692: England - Retribution against Catholics who helped James II until 1710, lands confiscated, given to Protestants; harsh laws passed against Catholic religion and trade
  • 1692: NL - De jenever wordt volksdrank.
  • 13 Feb 1692: Glencoe, Scotland - The Glencoe Massacre occurs
  • 3 Aug 1692: England - Battle of Steinkirk and Battle of Lande (against France), both defeats for England, through into 1693
  • 22 Oct 1692: CA - Marie Madelaine Jarret de Vercheres defends the family fort with a handful of seniors and children against the Iroquois, a true youthful hero of New France.
11 1693 
12 1694 
13 1695 
14 1696 
  • 1696: CA - European fur market collapses as fashion temporarily changes, leading to an increase in colonist settlers wanting permanent land to clear and farm.
15 1697 
  • 1697: England - Blasphemy Act in England
  • 1697: England - Civil List Act votes funds for the maintenance of the Royal Household
  • 1697: England - Peace of Ryswick between the allied powers of the League of Augsburg and France ends the French War
  • 1697: After almost a decade of guerrilla warfare, the Peace of Ryswick merely confirms the status quo, even returning Acadia, captured by the English, to the French. England and France make temporary peace in 1697 (Treaty of Ryswick).
  • 10 Nov 1697: England - Birth of William Hogarth (died 1764), bitter satirical artist of great genius, chronicling social evils of the times
16 1698 
  • 1698: England - Thomas Savery patented an engine which produced a vacuum by condensing steam. It was employed for raising water from a mine and supplying water to several country houses.
  • 1698: Russia - Tsar Peter the Great begins taxing men with beards
17 1699 
  • 23 May 1699: America - John Bartram was born. A naturalist and explorer, considered 'father of American botany'; established a world renowned botanical garden in Philadelphia in 1728.
18 1700 
  • 1700: England - Population of England and Wales estimated at 5.5 million
  • 1700: England - Population of English colonies in America, 200,000
  • 1700: CA - Population of Acadia is 1,400. Clear that New France is not going to be self-sufficient.
  • 1700: NL - Invoering van de Gregoriaanse kalender in Friesland. Op 31-12-1700 volgde 12-01-1701.
  • 26 Jan 1700: CA - The Cascadia Earthquake, one of the largest earthquakes on record, ruptures the Cascadia Subduction Zone offshore from Vancouver Island to northern California, creating a tsunami that wiped out the winter village of Pachena Bay leaving no survivors.
19 1701 
  • 1701: England - Jethro Tull invents the seed drill.
  • 1701: England - Death of James II in exile, King Louis of France recognises James's son as King James III
  • 1701: England - The Act of Settlement settles the Royal Succession on the Protestant descendants of Sophia of Hanover. William III forms a grand alliance between England, Holland and Austria to prevent the union of the Spanish and French crowns. The War of the Spanish Succession breaks out in Europe over the vacant throne
  • 1701: CA - Detroit, Michigan founded as Fort Pontchartrain du détroit by Antoine de Lamothe Cadillac.
  • 1701: CA - War of the Spanish Succession begins in Europe; spreads to North America (Queen Anne's War) in 1702.
  • 1701: CA- Peace treaty signed between the Iroquois Confederacy and the French and English.
  • 1701: NL - Lodewijk XIV bezet de Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
20 1702 
  • 1702: England - Queen Anne, ruler of England to 1714. House of Stuart (restored): 2nd daughter of James II. Died with no living heirs.
  • 1702: England - England tries to prevent grandson of Louis of France from taking Spanish throne; John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, instrumental in uniting England, Holland, Austria and Germany against France (period to 1713)
  • 1702: England - Queen Anne's War: England declares war on France as part of the War of the Spanish Succession. English Colonies vs France 1702-1713.
  • 1702: England - Death of King William III in a riding accident. He is succeeded by his sister-in-law.
  • 1702: England - Freehold yeomen represent one eigth of population of England. Substantial tenant farmers represent a little less; coffee houses become popular
  • 1702: CA - For the next 11 years, The short-lived Peace of Ryswick collapses with the outbreak of the War of the Spanish Succession, which erupts in the colonies as Queen Anne's War. It ends with France losing North American territory to Britain.
  • 1702: NL - Willem III van Oranje-Nassau overlijdt aan de gevolgen van een val van zijn paard op Hampton Court.
21 1703 
  • 1703: Epworth, Lincolnshire, England - Birth of John Wesley. By 1784, 356 Methodist chapels built in places lacking church
  • 1703: CA - Philippe de Rigaud Vaudreuil becomes Governor of New France.
22 1704 
  • 1704: England - Johann Sebastian Bach began composing music
  • 1704: Gibraltar - British capture Gibraltar from Spain
  • 1704: CA - French destroy the English settlement at Bonavista, Newfoundland.
  • 13 Aug 1704: England - British, Dutch, German and Austrian troops, under the Duke of Marlborough, defeat the French and Bavarians at the Battle of Blenheim
23 1706 
  • 1706: London, England - The Evening Post, first evening newspaper issued
  • 23 May 1706: Netherlands - British, Bavarian and Austrian troops under Marlborough defeat the French at the Battle of Ramillies, and expel the French from the Netherlands
24 1707 
  • 1707: Great Britain - The Act of Union unites the kingdoms of England and Scotland and transfers the seat of Scottish Government to London
  • 1707: CA - Port Royal is attacked twice by the English from Massachusetts.
25 1708 
  • 1708: NL - Strenge winter : vorst van 24 December tot in Mei.
  • 11 Jul 1708: England - The Duke of Marlborough defeats the French at the Battle of Oudenarde. The French incur heavy losses. Queen Anne vetoes a parliamentary bill to recognise the Scottish militia. This is the last time a bill is vetoed by the sovereign
26 1709 
27 1710 
  • 1710: Great Britain - Wooden panelling replaces tapestry as wall covering
  • 1710: Great Britain - A Tory ministry is formed, under Harley, with the impeachment of Dr. Sacheverell and the fall of the Whig government
  • 1710: CA - Francis Nicholson captures Port Royal for England.
  • 1710: CA - The English recapture Acadia, this time permanently, and rename it Nova Scotia.
  • 1710: CA - The English take Port Royal and name it Annapolis Royal.
  • 1710: CA - The Mandan Indians west of the Great Lakes begin to trade in horses descended from those brought to Texas by the Spanish. Itinerant Assiniboine Indians bring them from Mandan settlements to their own territories southwest of Lake Winnipeg.
  • 1710: UK - Three Mohawk chiefs and one Mahican are received in Queen Anne's court in England as the Four Kings of the New World.
28 1711 
  • 1711: Great Britain - Englishman John Shore invents the tuning fork.
  • 1711: NL - Johan Willem Friso, erfstadhouder van Friesland, verdrinkt in het Hollands Diep.
  • 1711: US - Tuscarora War on North Carolina frontier fought between British settlers and Tuscarora Indians. Remnants of this Iroquoian tribe migrate north.
29 1712 
30 1713 
  • 1713: Europe - The Treaty of Utrecht is signed by Britain and France, thus concluding the War of the Spanish Succession
  • 1713: CA - After loss of lands to England in the Treaty of Utrecht, France starts building Fortress Louisbourg near the eastern tip of l'Ile-Royale.
  • 1713: CA - At the conclusion of Queen Anne's War - Maine Abenakis and Iroquois from Quebec (Caughnawaga) attack the English colonists on behalf of the French, but lose. The European nations negotiate their settlement at the Treaty of Utrecht (1713); Louis XIV cedes Hudson Bay, Acadia (Nova Scotia) and Newfoundland (but not Cape Breton Island or St. John's Island) to Great Britain.
  • 1713: NL - Via Azië en Rusland bereikt de (1e) veepest epidemie ons land.
  • 1713: US - Turcarora War (North Carolina) -- Under the English Col. John Barnwell, then Col. James Moore, the Tuscarora Nation was repeatedly attacked, its chiefs tortured, its people sold (10 pounds sterling each) into slavery. The survivors fled northward and settled among the Haudenosee (Iroquois) 5 Nations.
31 1714 
32 1715 
33 1716 
  • 1716: Italy - John Lombe steals plans for silk manufacture, returning to England he and brother Thomas build vast factory on island at Derby
  • 1716: Scotland - James Lind was born. Lind was a Scottish physician who recommended that fresh citrus fruit and lemon juice be included in the seamen's diet to eliminate scurvy. The Dutch had been doing this for almost two hundred years.
  • 1716: CA - Jacques Talbot came to Montreal as a schoolmaster.
34 1717 
  • 1717: Europe - England allies with French and Dutch against Spanish, Spanish brought to heel in 1718
  • 1717: Great Britain - Edmond Halley invents the diving bell.
  • 1717: Great Britain - John Lombe in England invents a machine for 'throwing' silk which produces a strong twisted thread
  • 1717: Great Britain - Townshend is dismissed from government by George I, causing Walpole to resign. The Whig party is split. Convocation is suspended
  • 1717: CA - Fort Kaministiquia was founded by French merchants to be the first in a series of forts reaching westward to expand trade and seek a route to the western sea. (Daniel Greysolon Dulhut had built a fort, (Fort Caministigoyan), at the same location on the Kaministiquia River in 1679.)
  • 1717: NL - Bij een stormvloed tijdens de kerstmis komen in Groningen en Friesland 5000 mensen om.
35 1719 
36 1720 
  • 1720: Great Britain - Hospitals founded in London: Guy's, St. George's, London & Middlesex in period to 1745
  • 1720: Great Britain - Dr. Richard Mead publishes Short Discourse Concerning Pestilential Contagion, advocates quarantine, proposes establishment of government Council of Health; inoculation against smallpox introduced from Constantinople by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
  • 1720: Meiringen, Switzerland - Invention of meringue is attributed to an Italian pastry chef named Gasparini.
  • 1720: UK - Lord Baltimore sponsors expedition to bring settlers to Newfoundland.
  • 1720: US - French forts along the Mississippi River spread northward from New Orleans.
37 1721 
38 1722 
39 1723 
  • 1723: Great Britain - Excise Act, restrictions removed on exports, duty removed on imports of raw materials; London builds bonded warhouse for tea, coffee and chocolate
  • 1723: Great Britain - Legislation allowing parishes to create 'unions' or workhouses, to prevent escape of children they could be manacled
  • 1723: New England, USA - Dummer's War 1723-1726.
  • 1723: NL - Grens tusschen Onstwedde en Pekela geregeld.
  • 16 Jul 1723: Devon, Great Britain - Birth of Sir Joshua Reynolds (died 1792), arguably finest English landscape and portrait painter, career 1750-1780
40 1724 
41 1725 
  • 1725: CA - Claude-Thomas Dupuy was appointed intendant of New France.
  • 1725: CA - Peter the Great sends Vitus Bering to explore the North Pacific.
  • 30 Apr 1725: Great Britain - Treaty of Vienna: Austria and Spain resolve differences
42 1726 
  • 1726: Great Britain - English peers number 179, about 130 of whom are active
  • 1726: Scotland - First circulating library in Britain opens in Edinburgh. Jonathan Swift publishes his Gulliver's Travels
  • 1726: CA - Charles de la Boische, Marquis de Beauharnois was appointed as Governor of New France.
  • 1726: CA - Thomas-Jacques Taschereau arrived in New France (Canada) as a private secretary to the Intendant of New France, Claude-Thomas Dupuy.