1748 - 1753 (4 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1748 | - 1748: CA - Ile Royale (Cape Breton Island) and Ile Saint-Jean (Prince Edward Island), including Louisbourg is returned to France by the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle.
- 1748: CA - Treaty of Logstown (English with Shawnee, Delaware, Wyandot). English later base their claim to the whole Great Lakes and midwest (or Old Northwest as it was later called) on these two treaties.
- 1748: CA - Treaty of Logstown (English with Shawnee, Delaware, Wyandot). English later base their claim to the whole Great Lakes and midwest (or Old Northwest as it was later called) on these two treaties.
- 1748: NL - In Amsterdam worden op de Dam twee plunderaars opgehangen.
- 18 Oct 1748: Great Britain - The Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle brings the War of Austrian Succession to a close
2 | 1749 | - 1749: Great Britain - Deaths among women 1 in 41, children 1 in 15 during period to 1758
- 1749: CA - Halifax, capital of Nova Scotia, is founded by British General Edward Cornwallis to counter French presence at Louisbourg.
- 1749: CA - La Vérendrye was awarded the cross of Saint Louis, in honour of his career.
- 1749: CA - Halifax, capital of Nova Scotia, is founded by British General Edward Cornwallis to counter French presence at Louisbourg.
- 1749: CA - La Vérendrye was awarded the cross of Saint Louis, in honour of his career.
3 | 1750 | - 1750: Great Britain - The grapefruit was first described by Griffith Hughes as the 'forbidden fruit' of Barbados
- 1750: Scotland - Royal Infirmaries are founded in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen
- 1750: Great Britain - Tea-drinking begins to rival alcohol-drinking
- 1750: Great Britain - Population of England and Wales estimated at 6.5 million
- 1750: Great Britain - During period to 1780 English countryside takes on today's familiar apearance as accelerated enclosure produces small fields surrounded by hedges, fences and walls
- 1750: CA - The Ojibwa begin to emerge as a distinct tribal amalgamation of smaller independent bands.
- 1750: CA - German immigrants begin to arrive in numbers at Halifax.
- 1750: NL - Het sterfjaar van Johann Sebastian Bach.
4 | 1751 | - 1751: British North America - Benjamin Franklin published Experiments and Observations on Electricity after several years of experiments done with several friends. In this book Franklin suggested an experiment to prove that lightning is a large-scale electrical discharge, a task which later he took upon himself, using a kite. This led to the invention of the lightning rod.
- 1751: Great Britain - Death of Frederick, Prince of Wales. His son, Prince George, becomes heir to the throne
- 1751: CA - Fort Le Jonquiere was established in 1751 by Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre on the Saskatchewan River (probably in the Nipawin, Sask. area).
- 1751: NL - Willem IV overlijdt. Willem V wordt de eerste onbenoemde stadhouder.
5 | 1752 | - 1752: Great Britain - René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur showed by experiment that gastric juice liquifies meat.
- 1752: Great Britain - Sir John Pringle (1707-1782), Scottish Army physician, publishes Observations on Diseases of the Army, institutes rules for camp hygiene, clothing and diet, shows how dysentery and malaria spread, identifies hospital / camp / gaol (jail) / ship fever as typhus
- 1752: EU - Start of The Seven Years' War, King George's War: -- English (in New Canada) and French (in New France) duke it out, with Indian allies on each side. Both sides build forts or fortify trading posts in Indian country on the above map. Choctaw, Tuscarora, Yamasee, Cherokee, some Creeks, fight against English; Mohawks, Chickasaw fight for English against French.
- 1752: CA- French kill Miami chief, fortify the Ohio Valley region with forts from Lake Erie to the forks of the Ohio River
- 1752: CA- -La Corne began a three-year appointment as the western commander of the poste de l’Ouest
- 1752: UK - The British Empire adopts the Gregorian calendar.
- 1 Jan 1752: Great Britain - Adoption of the Gregorian Calendar in Britain
- 23 Mar 1752: CA - Canada's first newspaper, the weekly Halifax Gazette, appears
6 | 1753 | - 1753: Great Britain - Parliament passes the Naturalization of Jews Act
- 1753: Great Britain - James Lind (1716-1794) Scottish Navy physician, publishes Treatise on Scurvy; Sir Gilbert Blane, Scottish Naval surgeon, enforces strict rules regarding cleanliness, improves health, lifespan of sailors
- 1753: CA - The 2nd Fort Paskoya built at a new location which became the Pas.
- 1753: CA - A trading post, to be later known as Fort de la Corne was built just below the junction of the two branches of the Saskatchewan.
- 1753: CA - Fort Rouge rebuilt by Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre at its original location.