1781 - 1781 (0 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1781 | - 1781: Great Britain - Frederick William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus by its movement, although at the time he supposed it to be a comet
- 1781: Great Britain - Matthew Boulton and James Watt produce an improved steam engine with rotary motion achieving significant impact - it means that manufacturers are no longer restricted to site with natural power (i.e., water, wood for charcoal)
- 1781: US - American independence is assured by the British surrender at Yorktown. Gen. George Washington leads the Colonial army against the British.
- 1781: US - By the Articles of Confederation, Congress controls the western lands.
- 1781: NL - William Herschel ontdekt de planeet Uranus.
- 2 Feb 1781: CA/US - Ethan Allen receives a further proposal from Col. Robinson; but sends both to Congress, with a request for the recognition of Vermont. Premising loyalty to Congress, he maintains that Vermont may properly treat with Great Britain, to prevent being subjected to another State, by the authority of a Government which Vermonters have helped to establish.
- Apr 1781: Col. Ira Allen is sent to Canada to arrange an exchange of prisoners.
- 1 May 1781: CA/US - Receiving proposals for Vermont's independnece, Col. Ira Allen temporizes to prevent invasion and enable the farmers to sow seed for another crop.
- 20 Aug 1781: CA/US - As a condition of Vermont's admission to the Union, Congress fixes boundaries which offend both Vermont and New York.
- Sep 1781: US - British proposals to Vermont include a Legislature of two branches.
- 17 Oct 1781: USA - The Americans obtain a great victory of British troops at the Siege of Yorktown
- 19 Oct 1781: US - Vermont declines Congress' terms.
- 14 Nov 1781: US - Governor Chittenden answers General Washington that, notwithstanding Vermont's interest in the common cause, the people would rather join British Canadians than be subject to New York.
- 18 Dec 1781: US - Troops sent from New York, to coerce New Hampshire grantees, learn that they will defend their rights.