1743 - 1787 (43 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1743 | |
2 | 1744 | - 1744: Great Britain - King George's War: French Colonies vs Great Britain 1744-1748.
- 1744: Treaty of Lancaster (English-Iroquois).
- 1744: CA - Nicolas-Joseph de Noyelles de Fleurimont succeeded Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de La Vérendrye as the Commandant of the western French forts.
- 15 Mar 1744: France declares war on England
3 | 1745 | - 1745: Great Britain - Sir Robert Walpole dies
- 1745: Great Britain - E.G. von Kleist invents the leyden jar, the first electrical capacitor.
- 1745: Western Highlands, Scotland - Bonnie Prince Charlie, son of James III, lands and triggers a Jacobite Rebellion
- 1745: Great Britain - Scots reach Derby; 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' is inexplicably persuaded to turn back, loses initiative
- 1745: Scotland - The secret formula for Drambuie liqueur is given to the Mackinnon family by Prince Charles Edward.
- 1745: NL - De landbouw wordt geconfronteerd met de tweede veepestepidemie.
- 11 May 1745: Fonteney, Austrian Netherlands - Battle of Fontenoy (Flanders/Belgium), George's son, Duke of Cumberland, leads Britain's defeat
- 17 Jun 1745: CA - Louisbourg surrenders to English after six-week siege.
- 21 Sep 1745: Scotland - a Scottish victory at the Battle of Prestonpans
4 | 1746 | - 1746: England - William Pitt (the elder) enters government
- 1746: Typhoid fever epidemic breaks out among the Micmac of Nova Scotia.
- 1 Mar 1746: CA - Jacques-Pierre de Taffanel de la Jonquière, Marquis de la Jonquière, was appointed governor general of New France
- 16 Apr 1746: Culloden, Scotland - Battle of Culloden, Scots defeated by Cumberland; fails to capture Charles who, after five months, escapes to France
- 16 Apr 1746: UK - The Battle of Culloden (Scottish Gaelic: Blàr Chùil Lodair) was the final clash between the French-supported Jacobites and the Hanoverian British Government in the 1745 Jacobite Rising. It was the last land battle to be fought on mainland Britain. Culloden brought the Jacobite cause—to restore the House of Stuart to the throne of the Kingdom of Great Britain—to a decisive defeat.
- 30 Aug 1746: CA - Duc d'Anville, a French aristocrat, arrives at Chebucto (now Halifax Harbour) with 13,000 men in 70 ships. His orders from the King of France: Expel the British from Nova Scotia, then burn Boston and sack New England. Disease and dissension within the command structure defeats d'Anville's force, which despite its formidable strength has no discernible effect on the course of events in North America.
- Oct 1746: CA - Fortress Louisbourg and l'Ile-Royale are returned to France by the Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle.
5 | 1747 | - 1747: Great Britain - Yorkshire pudding mentioned in recipes
- 1747: Great Britain - Art of Cookery, by Hannah Glasse is published.
- 1747: British North America - The oldest cattle ranch in the US was started at Montauk on Long Island, New York.
- 1747: CA - Marguerite d'Youville (Born Varennes, France October 1701 Died December 28, 1771) founds the Sisters of Charity or the Grey Nuns of Montreal.
- 1747: NL - Willem IV wordt erfstadhouder van alle gewesten.
- 11 Feb 1747: CA - Nova Scotia, a surprise mid-winter attack is launched about three o'clock on the morning on Col. Arthur Noble's detachment of British troops from Massachusetts, by a French and Indian force under Nicholas Antoine Coulon de Villiers. Noble and about 70 of his men were killed.
6 | 1748 | - 1748: CA - Ile Royale (Cape Breton Island) and Ile Saint-Jean (Prince Edward Island), including Louisbourg is returned to France by the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle.
- 1748: CA - Treaty of Logstown (English with Shawnee, Delaware, Wyandot). English later base their claim to the whole Great Lakes and midwest (or Old Northwest as it was later called) on these two treaties.
- 1748: CA - Treaty of Logstown (English with Shawnee, Delaware, Wyandot). English later base their claim to the whole Great Lakes and midwest (or Old Northwest as it was later called) on these two treaties.
- 1748: NL - In Amsterdam worden op de Dam twee plunderaars opgehangen.
- 18 Oct 1748: Great Britain - The Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle brings the War of Austrian Succession to a close
7 | 1749 | - 1749: Great Britain - Deaths among women 1 in 41, children 1 in 15 during period to 1758
- 1749: CA - Halifax, capital of Nova Scotia, is founded by British General Edward Cornwallis to counter French presence at Louisbourg.
- 1749: CA - La Vérendrye was awarded the cross of Saint Louis, in honour of his career.
- 1749: CA - Halifax, capital of Nova Scotia, is founded by British General Edward Cornwallis to counter French presence at Louisbourg.
- 1749: CA - La Vérendrye was awarded the cross of Saint Louis, in honour of his career.
8 | 1750 | - 1750: Great Britain - The grapefruit was first described by Griffith Hughes as the 'forbidden fruit' of Barbados
- 1750: Scotland - Royal Infirmaries are founded in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen
- 1750: Great Britain - Tea-drinking begins to rival alcohol-drinking
- 1750: Great Britain - Population of England and Wales estimated at 6.5 million
- 1750: Great Britain - During period to 1780 English countryside takes on today's familiar apearance as accelerated enclosure produces small fields surrounded by hedges, fences and walls
- 1750: CA - The Ojibwa begin to emerge as a distinct tribal amalgamation of smaller independent bands.
- 1750: CA - German immigrants begin to arrive in numbers at Halifax.
- 1750: NL - Het sterfjaar van Johann Sebastian Bach.
9 | 1751 | - 1751: British North America - Benjamin Franklin published Experiments and Observations on Electricity after several years of experiments done with several friends. In this book Franklin suggested an experiment to prove that lightning is a large-scale electrical discharge, a task which later he took upon himself, using a kite. This led to the invention of the lightning rod.
- 1751: Great Britain - Death of Frederick, Prince of Wales. His son, Prince George, becomes heir to the throne
- 1751: CA - Fort Le Jonquiere was established in 1751 by Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre on the Saskatchewan River (probably in the Nipawin, Sask. area).
- 1751: NL - Willem IV overlijdt. Willem V wordt de eerste onbenoemde stadhouder.
10 | 1752 | - 1752: Great Britain - René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur showed by experiment that gastric juice liquifies meat.
- 1752: Great Britain - Sir John Pringle (1707-1782), Scottish Army physician, publishes Observations on Diseases of the Army, institutes rules for camp hygiene, clothing and diet, shows how dysentery and malaria spread, identifies hospital / camp / gaol (jail) / ship fever as typhus
- 1752: EU - Start of The Seven Years' War, King George's War: -- English (in New Canada) and French (in New France) duke it out, with Indian allies on each side. Both sides build forts or fortify trading posts in Indian country on the above map. Choctaw, Tuscarora, Yamasee, Cherokee, some Creeks, fight against English; Mohawks, Chickasaw fight for English against French.
- 1752: CA- French kill Miami chief, fortify the Ohio Valley region with forts from Lake Erie to the forks of the Ohio River
- 1752: CA- -La Corne began a three-year appointment as the western commander of the poste de l’Ouest
- 1752: UK - The British Empire adopts the Gregorian calendar.
- 1 Jan 1752: Great Britain - Adoption of the Gregorian Calendar in Britain
- 23 Mar 1752: CA - Canada's first newspaper, the weekly Halifax Gazette, appears
11 | 1753 | - 1753: Great Britain - Parliament passes the Naturalization of Jews Act
- 1753: Great Britain - James Lind (1716-1794) Scottish Navy physician, publishes Treatise on Scurvy; Sir Gilbert Blane, Scottish Naval surgeon, enforces strict rules regarding cleanliness, improves health, lifespan of sailors
- 1753: CA - The 2nd Fort Paskoya built at a new location which became the Pas.
- 1753: CA - A trading post, to be later known as Fort de la Corne was built just below the junction of the two branches of the Saskatchewan.
- 1753: CA - Fort Rouge rebuilt by Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre at its original location.
12 | 1754 | - 1754: Great Britain - First royal troops disembark in India; Takes 4.5 days to travel London to Manchester
- 1754: France - Antoine Beauvilliers was born. He was a French chef who founded the first luxury restaurant, La Grande Taverne de Londres.
- 1754: CA - Anthony Henday travels west from Hudson Bay onto Plains, meets natives on horseback and sees Rocky Mountains.
- 1754: CA - France sends 3,000 regulars to Canada. Fort Duquesne is built. Benjamin Franklin says the British Colonies will have no peace while France holds Canada. Ango-French competition in the Ohio Valley sparks conflict.
- 28 May 1754: Washington, with a few men, attacks Jumonville, with thirty followers, near the confluence of the Monongahela and Ohio Rivers. Jumonville and nine of his command are killed. The rest are taken prisoners. The French allege that, before firing began, Jumonville signaled that he had a proposal to make; but Washington says that he observed no signal.
13 | 1755 | - 1755: Great Britain - Samuel Johnson publishes the first English language dictionary.
- 1755: CA - William Johnson, British superintendent of Indian affairs in the northern colonies, persuades the Iroquois League to break its neutrality and side with England against France.
- 1755: The Great Expulsion begins. English Expulsion of the French Acadians -- who lived and intermarried with Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Miq'maks (many of whom were also taken). Forcibly loaded into ships and deposited randomly along the southern (now American) coasts, many (probably 1/3 to 1/2) died. Some are ancestors of the Cajuns of Louisiana, and a few made their ways back home. Acadians were idealists, hostile to King and Church authority, who lived in peace with the Miq'maks. Neither the French rulers nor the English wanted them.
- 23 Mar 1755: Great Britain - Josiah Spode was born; the inventor of Fine Bone China.
- 16 Jun 1755: CA - Fort Beausejour, garrisoned by 400 Frenchmen, is surrendered to Col. Winslow, of Massachusetts, commanding 2,300, of whom 300 are regulars.
- Jul 1755: CA/US - Seven British Colonial Governors form a Treaty with the Iroquois, and project a federal union for carrying on war, under a president to be named by the King.
- 8 Sep 1755: US - Baron Dieskay, with 1,500 French and Indian troops, overcomes Col. Williams, with 1,400 English and Indians, near Fort George. Immediately afterwards, the French attack Col. Johnson's force, barricaded at Fort George, but are repelled, with heavy loss. The two commanders are wounded, and the two opposing Indian chiefs are killed. Baron Dieskay is captured by the English, who dress his wounds and earn his life-long gratitude by their kindness.
- Nov 1755: US - For his success at Fort George, Col. Johnson is made a baronet, with a grant of 5,000 pounds.
14 | 1756 | - 1756: Great Britain - Mayonnaise invented to commemorate a victory at the start of the Seven Years War, the successful seige of English-held St. Philip's Castle
- 1756: Europe - Britain, allied with Prussia, declares war against France and her allies, Austria and Russia. The Seven Years' War begins
- 1756: CA - France sends two battalions to Canada, with provisions, and 1,300,000 livres, in specie, which has the effect of depreciating the paper currency by 25 per cent.
- 1756: NL - De geboorte van Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- Mar 1756: CA/US - A Canadian force of 300 captures Fort Bull, between Schenectady and Oswego, and puts the garrison to the sword.
- May 1756: CA - Montcalm reaches Quebec with 1,400 soldiers.
- 20 Jun 1756: Calcutta, India - Mîrzâ Mohammad Sirâjud Dawla takes the city and English prisoners suffocate in Black Hole; Robert Clive brings 2000 sepoys (Indian soldiers) from Madras to avenge, retakes Calcutta
- 14 Aug 1756: CA/US - Though opposed to attacking any British fort, Montcalm, at the head of 3,100 regulars, Canadians and Indians, captures Fort Oswego, - a success attributable, mainly, to his intercepting a message to General Webb, commanding 2,000 men in the vicinity. Colonel Mercer is killed. The garrison (1,780) and about 100 women and children are taken prisoners.
15 | 1757 | - 1757: Great Britain - William Pitt the elder becomes Prime Minister
- 1757: India - Robert Clive wins the Battle of Plassey and secures the Indian province of Bengal for Britain
- 1757: Great Britain - John Campbell invents the sextant.
- 17 Mar 1757: CA/US - In four nights 1,500 French Canadians and Indians destroy the out-works of Fort William-Henry.
- 30 Jul 1757: CA/US - Seven thousand men are collected to attack Fort William Henry.
- 9 Aug 1757: CA/US - Fort William Henry, garrisoned by 2,200, capitulates. Violating the terms of capitulation, Indians kill, or recature, many of the garrison, whereupon Montcalm exclaims: "Kill me, but spare the English who are under my protection."
16 | 1758 | - 1758: Great Britain - Dolland invents the achromatic lens.
- 1758: Great Britain - Ribbing machine developed in England to make Jedediah Strutt stockings.
- 1758: NL - Strenge winters. Des voorjaars veel turfvervoer naar Duitsland.
- 8 Jul 1758: CA/US - General Abercrombie, with 15,390 men, attacks 3,600 French and Canadian troops entrenched and barricaded at Fort Ticonderoga. The British and Colonial forces are repulsed and lose 2,000 killed and wounded.
- 27 Jul 1758: CA/US - After a long siege, the British, under James Wolfe and Jeffrey Amherst, capture Louisbourg, defended by about 5,637.
- 25 Aug 1758: CA/US - Colonel Bradstreet, with nearly 3,000 men, mostly colonists, takes and burns Fort Frontenac (Kingston).
- 14 Sep 1758: CA/US - Major Grant, with 800 Highlanders and some Virginians, is defeated by French and Indians, from Fort Duquesne, under Aubry.
- 2 Oct 1758: CA - The Nova Scotia Provincial Parliament, Canada's oldest Legislative Assembly, first met on 2 October 1758 with 19 members
- 12 Oct 1758: CA/US - Charles Lawrence, Military Governor of Nova Scotia, issued a Proclamation that is published in the Boston Gazette, informing the people of New England that since the enemy which had formerly disturbed and harassed the province was no longer able to do so, the time had come to people and cultivate, not only the lands made vacant by the removal of the Acadians, but other parts of "this valuable province" as well. The Proclamation concluded with the words "I shall be ready to receive any proposals that may be hereafter made to me for effectually settling the vacated, or any other lands within the said province."
- 25 Nov 1758: CA/US - The French garrison of Fort Duquesne (500) set it on fire and abandoned it to General John Forbes. He renames it "Pittsburg," in honor of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, William Pitt the Elder.
17 | 1759 | - 1759: Canada - Wolfe captures Quebec and expels the French
- 1759: Great Britain - Battle of Quiberon (Brest fleet) and Battle of Lagos (Toulon fleet), Admirals Sir Edward Hawke and Boscawen, respectively, victorious for Britain; Dakar captured
- 1759: British North America - Cherokee War: English Colonists vs Cherokee Indians 1759-1761.
- 22 May 1759: A British fleet approaches Quebec.
- 28 Jun 1759: CA - French fire ships, intended to burn the British fleet, at Quebec, are taken ashore by British sailors.
- 26 Jul 1759: CA/US - Carillon (Fort Ticonderoga) is abandoned by the French.
- 28 Jul 1759: CA - Another French fireship attack fails against the British.
- 31 Jul 1759: CA - British forces attempt to take French fortifications at Montmorency and fail bitterly.
- 8 Aug 1759: CA - British guns, on Point Levi, fire the lower town of Quebec.
- 13 Sep 1759: CA - James Wolfe lands a force at Fuller's Cove, between 1 and 2 in the morning. They climb to the Plains of Abraham. At 6 a.m., Marquis de Montcalm is informed that the British have accomplished what he deemed impossible; but discredits the report. With 4,500, he fights about an equal number; but his men cannot resist bayonets. Each leader receives a mortal wound. Wolfe asks an officer to support him so that his followers may not be discouraged by his fall. An historian says of Wolfe: "He crowded into a few hours actions that would have given lustre to length of life; and, filling his day with greatness, completed it before its noon."
- 14 Sep 1759: CA - Learning that he had but a few hours to live, Montcalm says: "So much the better; I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec." Turning to de Ramsay he says: "To your keeping I commend the honor of France; as for me, I shall pass the night with God and prepare myself for death." He dies in the Castle of St. Louis.
- 17 Sep 1759: CA - Capitulation of Quebec.
- 18 Sep 1759: CA - The British take possession of Quebec.
18 | 1760 | - 1760: Great Britain - Death of George II
- 1760: Great Britain - George III, ruler of England to 1820. House of Hanover: Grandson of George II, married Charlotte of Mecklenburg.
- 1760: CA - Fortress Louisbourg demolished by the British.
- 1760: CA/US - Fall of Montreal and surrender of Great Lakes and Ohio Valley French forts to English. Lord Jeffrey Amherst starts a "get tough with Indians" policy, including the first biological warfare --smallpox-infested blankets. Amherst granted some Seneca (originally his allies) lands to his officers. Odawa chief Pontiac (and the Delaware Prophet) organize a resistance preaching return to traditional Indian customs. The 1761 draft Proclamation (to English governors), and the Royal Proclamation of 1763 (with a large Indian country in what's now the U.S. Great Lakes/Midwest) were part of the English Crown's attempt to mollify the Indians. Neither proclamation of undisturbed Indian lands was followed by settlers or the Crown.
- 20 Apr 1760: CA - Seven thousand French troops start the battle to recapture Quebec.
- 28 Apr 1760: CA - Murray's 7,714 troops retire to the Citadel, after fighting the Canadians outside the walls of Quebec. The French prepare to besiege the city.
- 15 May 1760: A Frigate and Two British war-ships arrive. The British win a naval battle near Quebec.
- 17 May 1760: CA - The French raise the siege of Quebec.
- 6 Sep 1760: CA - General Jeffrey Amherst invades Montreal.
- 7 Sep 1760: CA - A French council of war, at Montreal, favors capitulation.
- 8 Sep 1760: CA - Amherst's, Murray's, and Haviland's commands, around Montreal, are about 17,000. The articles of capitulation are agreeable to the French, except that they do not concede "all the honors of war" or "perpetual neutrality of Canadians."
- Nov 1760: CA - The British Conquest. General James Murray is appointed first British military governor of Quebec.
19 | 1761 | - 1761: Great Britain - Laurence Sterne publishes the enigmatic Tristram Shandy
- 1761: Great Britain - Jonas Hanway and David Porter begin campaign on behalf of child chimney sweeps, achieve protective legislation in 1788
- 1761: Pondicherry, India - Pondicherry captured, French power destroyed
- 1761: Great Britain - William Pitt the elder resigns over King and advisors not permitting further conflict with France and ally Spain
- 1761: Great Britain - River power reaches saturation point, Duke of Bridgewater cuts Worsley Canal, thereby halving price of coal in Manchester
- 1761: Great Britain - Englishman John Harrison invents the navigational clock or marine chronometer for measuring longitude.
- 1761: Great Britain - Various municipalities secure Private Acts by which money can be raised ('rates') to pay for public improvements, such as paving and lighting in period to 1765
- 1761: CA - Canada under Martial law.
- 29 Jul 1761: CA - The British terms of peace are so hard that Choiseul declares: "I am as indifferent to peace as Pitt can be. I freely admit the King's desire for peace, and his Majesty may sign such a treaty, but my hand shall never be set to it."
- 6 Oct 1761: CA - King George III offers Pitt the governorship of Canada, with 5,000 pounds per annum, but, instead, makes his wife a peeress; and 13,000 pounds per annum is granted to the survivor of three of his family.
20 | 1762 | - 1762: Great Britain - John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, 'created' the Sandwich. This Englishman was said to have been fond of gambling and, during a 24 hour gambling streak, he instructed a cook to prepare his food in such a way that it would not interfere with his game. The cook presented him with sliced meat between two pieces of toast. Perfect! This meal required no utensils and could be eaten with one hand, leaving the other free to continue the game.
- 1762: Great Britain - The Earl of Bute is appointed Prime Minister. He becomes very unpopular and employs a bodyguard
- 1762: France - Académie Francaise recognises term millionaire
- 1762: Great Britain - Spain declares war on Britain; Britain gains West Indian islands from French, Cuba and Manila from Spanish
- 1762: NL - Grens tusschen Westerlee en Pekela geregeld
- 3 Nov 1762: EU - According to the preliminaries of peace, signed at Fontainebleau, England is to have, with certain West Indies, Florida, Louisiana, to the Mississippi River (without New Orleans), Canada, Acadia, Cape Breton Island and its dependencies, and the fisheries, subject to certain French interests. Spain is to have New Orleans and Louisiana, west of the Mississippi, with an undetermined Western boundary
21 | 1763 | - 1763: Americas - Treaty of Paris returns Cuba and Manila to Spain, keeps Florida, recovers Minorca; returns West Indian islands and trading stations in India to French, keeps Canada
- 1763: CA - Pontiac's Rebellion threatens British control of the Great Lakes region. Ottawa Chief Pontiac (c. 1720-1769) leads an Indian uprising but the British defeat the Indians.
- 1763: US - Proclamation by King George III bans settlements west of the Appalachians and establishes a protected Indian Country there. White settlers ignore the boundary line - Indian raids in Pennsylvania lead to the Paxton Riots - Peaceful Conestoga Mission Indians are massacred by settlers.
- 1763: NL - De handel ligt bijna stil en er heerst een grote werkloosheid in ons land.
- 10 Feb 1763: EU - By the treaty of Paris, France cedes to Britain, Canada and all the Laurentian Islands, except St. Pierre and Miquelon.
- 11 Apr 1763: CA - Britain allows Canadians the free exercise of their religion.
- 7 Dec 1763: CA - Canadians are required to swear fealty.
22 | 1764 | - 1764: Great Britain - James Hargreaves in England invents the spinning jenny which can produce 8 threads at one time.
- 1764: US - The Sugar Act and Stamp Act, by which Britain aims to recover revenue from the American colonies, arouses local opposition.
- 1764: CA - James Murray becomes civil governor of Quebec, but his attempts to appease French Canadians are disliked by British merchants.
- 1764: CA - Canada is divided into two chief judicial districts (Quebec and Montreal). Martial law, in Canada, terminates.
23 | 1765 | - 1765: Great Britain - Rockingham ministry. The American Stamp Act raises taxes in the colonies in an attempt to make their defence self-financing
- 1765: Great Britain - Earliest known children's pop-up book
- 1765: France - The very first pâté de foie gras (goose liver paste) is said to have been created in Strasbourg by a Norman chef named Jean-Joseph Close. (Although the technique for producing foie gras goes back as far as the ancient Egyptians)
- 1765: Paris, France - M. Boulanger opens the first restaurant, by that name
- 1765: US - The Stamp Act increases discontent. A Stamp Act Congress meets to protest the Act.
- 1765: CA - Reserve system in Canada begins with the provision of a tract of land for the Maliseet tribe.
24 | 1766 | - 1766: Great Britain - Chatham ministry. Repeal of the American Stamp Act
- 1766: Great Britain - Priestley discovers Law of Inverse Squares (electricity), Louis XV convulses with laughter when line of monks leap into air as electric shock is administered
- 1766: France - Louis, Marquis de Cussy was born. French gastronome, a friend of Grimod de la Reyniere, who stated that Cussy had invented 366 different ways to prepare chicken. Cussy wrote Les Classiques de la table.
- 18 Mar 1766: US - The Stamp Act is repealed.
25 | 1767 | |
26 | 1768 | - 1768: Great Britain - Grafton ministry. The Middlesex Election Crisis occurs.
- 1768: Great Britain - General election, reformer Wilkes elected as member for Middlesex amid scenes of jubilation; Royal Academy (painting) founded
- 1768: CA - Guy Carleton succeeds Murray as governor of Quebec.
27 | 1769 | - 1769: Great Britain - James Watt patented a new type of steam engine with a separate condensing chamber and an air pump to bring steam into the chamber and equipped it with a simple 'governor' for safety: if the engine started to go too fast, the power would be automatically cut back. He coined the term horsepower and later loaned his name to the unit of power, or work done per unit of time
- 1769: Great Britain - Captain James Cook's first voyage to explore the Pacific begins
- 1769: Great Britain - Richard Arkwright develops the water-powered spinning frame
- 1769: US - The American colonies begin their westward expansion, settling Tennessee.
- 1769: CA - Prince Edward Island becomes a separate colony from Nova Scotia.
- 20 Apr 1769: US - Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa is killed by a Kaskaskia Indian in Illinois.
28 | 1770 | |
29 | 1771 | - 1771: Great Britain - The Encyclopedia Britannica is first published
- 1771: Great Britain - Richard Arkwright builds the first spinning mill
- 1771: Captain James Cook completes his first voyage around the world.
- 1771: CA/UK - Lieutenant Governor Michael Francklin of Nova Scotia travels to northern England to seek immigrants to replace those displaced by the Acadian expulsion.
- 17 Jul 1771: CA - Massacre at Bloody Falls: Chipewyan chief Matonabbee traveling as the guide to Samuel Hearne on his arctic overland journey, massacre a group of unsuspecting Inuit.
30 | 1772 | - 1772: Great Britain - Lord Mansfield makes slavery illegal
- 1772: Great Britain - James Burgh publishes Political Disquisitions, advocates universal male suffrage
- 1772: CA - Samuel Hearne explores Coppermine River to Arctic Ocean.
- 1772: CA/US - James Cook and George Vancouver explore the northwest coast of America.
- 1772: CA - The Yorkshire emigration begins with the arrival of 62 passengers aboard The Duke of York.
31 | 1773 | - 1773: British North America - Colonists protest at the East India Company's monopoly over tea exports to the colonies, at the so-called Boston Tea Party
- 1773: Coalbrookedale, England - The world's first Cast Iron bridge is constructed over the River Severn
- 1773: Great Britain - Benjamin Delessert was born. French industrialist who developed the first successful process to extract sugar from sugar beets.
- 1773: CA - Lord Dartmouth promises Canadians just and considerate treatment respecting their religion.
- Dec 1773: CA - Prominent French Canadians petition the King to restore their ancient laws and accord them the rights of British subjects, reminding him that five-sixths of the seigniories belong to Frenchmen. They represent that the Labrador Coast and fisheries, now alienated to Newfoundland, should revert to Canada. They prefer a Legislative Council, nominated by the King, because less expensive than an Elective Assembly.
- 16 Dec 1773: US - The Boston Tea Party protests the Tea Act
32 | 1774 | - 1774: Great Britain - Franz Anton Mesmer began the psychotherapeutic practice of hypnotism, which he called 'animal magnetism' and conceived it to be an actual fluid. Apparently he had some success with psychosomatic illnesses. Part of his technique seems to have been used earlier by exorcists.
- 1774: Great Britain - Parliament passes the Coercive Acts in retaliation for the Boston Tea Party
- 1774: Great Britain - Joseph Priestley isolates oxygen
- 1774: Great Britain - Georges-Louis Le Sage patents the electric telegraph.
- 1774: US - Lord Dunmore's War fought in Virginia between settlers and Shawnees.
- 1774: CA - The Quebec Act ensures the loyalty of the seigneurs and the clergy to the new regime by guaranteeing the traditional language, civil law, and faith of the subjects.
- 1774: CA - Juan Perez ordered by Spain to explore west coast; discovers Prince of Wales Island, Dixon Sound.
- 4 Sep 1774: US - Delegates from twelve colonies discuss measures for common safety, at Philadelphia. Canada and Georgia are not represented, though invited. Vermont, not being organized, is not invited.
33 | 1775 | - 1775: British North America - American War of Independence begins when colonists fight British troops at Lexington.
- 1775: Great Britain - Alexander Cummings invents the flush toilet.
- 1775: Great Britain - Jacques Perrier invents a steamship.
- 1775: US - Daniel Boone leads party of settlers into Kentucky.
- 1775: CA - American troops capture Montreal, but, failing to take Quebec City or elicit local support, soon withdraw.
- 19 Apr 1775: US - The Revolutionary War begins, at Lexington.
- 1 May 1775: CA - A bust of George III is found, in Montreal, adorned with beads, cross, and mitre, with the words "Pope of Canada: Sot of England." A reward of 500 guineas does not lead to apprehension of the culprit.
- 10 May 1775: US - Ethan Allen takes Fort Ticonderoga.
- 9 Jun 1775: CA - Martial law is proclaimed in Canada.
- 21 Aug 1775: CA - Generals Schuyler and Richard Montgomery, with 1,000 Americans come to Canada, and invite the inhabitants to rebel.
- 17 Sep 1775: CA - Montgomery besieges St. Johns.
- 25 Sep 1775: CA - Attempting to take Montreal, Ethan Allan and many of his 150 followers are captured, at Longue Pointe, and are sent to England.
- 18 Oct 1775: CA - The Americans capture Chambly.
- 3 Nov 1775: CA - Hindered by Colonel Warner, of Vermont, Governor Guy Carleton cannot relieve St. Johns, which surrenders to Montgomery.
- 3 Nov 1775: CA - Invaders, under Benedict Arnold, reach the Chaudiere, almost perishing, after 52 days in the woods, from the Kennebec.
- 12 Nov 1775: CA - General Montgomery tells Montrealers that, being defenceless, they cannot stipulate terms; but promises to respect personal rights. He demands the keys of public stores, and appoints 9 a.m. tomorrow for the army's entrance, by the Recollet gate. On Nov. 13 they appropraite royal stores.
34 | 1776 | - 1776: England - Common Sense published by Tom Paine
- 1776: Great Britain - Adam Smith, in The Wealth of Nations, advanced the idea that businesses survive through successful trading in pursuit of their self-interest, and that the resulting equilibrium was not by design.
- 1776: Great Britain - Wilkes introduces bill for universal male suffrage
- 1776: Great Britain - David Bushnell invents a submarine.
- 1776: Great Britain - Edward Gibbon authors Decline and Fall of Roman Empire in period to 1788
- 1776: CA/US - US Revolutionary war. United Empire Loyalists move to Upper Canada and settle (lumbering, farming starts).
- 1776: US - The eleventh Article of "Confederation and Perpetual Union" provides that: "Canada, according to this Confederation, and joining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to, all the advantages of this Union; but no other Colony shall be admitted to the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States."
- 1776: CA - The Jesuits' College, at Quebec, converted into barracks.
- 1776: US - Common Sense by Thomas Paine (1737-1809) appears.
- 1776: NL - De armoede onder de bevolking is groot. In Nederland worden vele armenhuizen gesticht.
- 29 Apr 1776: CA/US - Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Chase and Rev. Charles Carroll, a Jesuit, urge Canadians to send delegates to Congress, promising toleration. Franklin brings a printer and press, for a newspaper, to mould public opinion. Canadians regard Franklin as an enemy, and the priests remind Father Carroll that, unlike some of the Provinces, Britain tolerates the Roman Catholic Church.
- 6 May 1776: CA - As a British fleet is in sight, the Continental Army, before Quebec, weakened by disease, retires from a superior enemy, who await reinforcements behind strong walls.
- 6 May 1776: CA - Under Guy Carleton, Quebec withstands an American siege until the appearance of a British fleet. Carleton is later knighted.
- 8 Jun 1776: US - Attempting to surprise Three Rivers, General Thompson, with 200 of 1,800 Americans, is taken prisoner.
- 16 Jun 1776: CA/US - Arnold's force has retreated from Montreal.
- 18 Jun 1776: CA - General Burgoyne finds that the Continental Army has evacuated St. Johns.
- 4 Jul 1776: USA - The American Congress passes their Declaration of Independence from Britain.
- 4 Jul 1776: US - The American colonies declare their independence. The United States Declaration of Independence is signed.
- 11 Oct 1776: US - The British are victorious on Lake Champlain.
- 13 Oct 1776: US - On Lake Champlain, Arnold runs part of his fleet ashore, to avoid capture.
35 | 1777 | - 1777: Great Britain - Samuel Crompton in England invents the spinning mule capable of spinning cloth in great quantity.
- 1777: CA - Spinning mule invented to spin multiple strands of yarn.
- 4 Jul 1777: US - Near Fort Ticonderoga, General Burgoyne offers condonement if colonists lay down their arms.
- 16 Oct 1777: CA - General Burgoyne's Indian and French allies desert at the battle of Stillwater.
- 17 Oct 1777: CA - Though aware of approaching relief, Burgoyne, having promised to capitulate, and fearing annihilation by a threatened attack, signs the capitulation. During its first session the Canadian Council passes sixteen ordinances, adopts English Commercial law, and constitutes itself a Court of Appeal, with final resort to the Privy Council in England.
36 | 1778 | - 1778: Great Britain - James Cook explores Hawaiian Islands. He fails to locate Northwest Passage from Alaskan side and is killed in Hawaii the following year
- 1778: Europe - Naval war with France, Spain and Holland ally with France during period to 1783
- 1778: US - First treaty between the United States and an Indian nation is negotiated with the Delaware; they are offered the prospect of statehood
- 1778: US - British and Iroquois forces attack and massacre American settlers in western New York and Pennsylvania.
- 1778: US - The American colonies ally with France.
The English overrun the southern states, but are weakened by a French blockade of shipping.
- 29 Mar 1778: CA - British Captain James Cook explores Alaskan coast, seeking Northwest Passage back to the Atlantic. On the last of three voyages to the west coast, he travels as far north as the Bering Strait and claims Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island for the British. While there, he trades for sea otter pelts.
37 | 1779 | - 1779: Great Britain - The rise of Wyvill's Christopher Wyvill's radical Yorkshire Association Movement
- 1779: CA - At a Parliamentary investigation, General Burgoyne charges failure to the Canadian forces and to St. Luc, commander of the Indians.
- 1779: US - A retaliatory U.S. campaign destroys Indian towns and crops, breaking the Iroquois League's power.
- 1779: US - The American colonies ally with Spain.
- 1779: US - James Cook killed by Hawaiian natives, cutting short his search for Northwest Passage.
38 | 1780 | - 1780: Great Britain - The Gordon Riots develop from a procession to petition parliament against the Catholic Relief Act (1778)
- 1780: Southampton, England - Gervinus invents the circular saw.
- 1780: Great Britain - Country banks rise in number from less than 300 to over 700 in period to 1815
- 1780: Great Britain - The Bowler Hat appears in England.
- 1780: CA/US - Quakers begin the Underground Railroad to smuggle slaves to freedom in Canada.
- 1780: NL - De Vierde Engelse Zeeoorlog.
39 | 1781 | - 1781: Great Britain - Frederick William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus by its movement, although at the time he supposed it to be a comet
- 1781: Great Britain - Matthew Boulton and James Watt produce an improved steam engine with rotary motion achieving significant impact - it means that manufacturers are no longer restricted to site with natural power (i.e., water, wood for charcoal)
- 1781: US - American independence is assured by the British surrender at Yorktown. Gen. George Washington leads the Colonial army against the British.
- 1781: US - By the Articles of Confederation, Congress controls the western lands.
- 1781: NL - William Herschel ontdekt de planeet Uranus.
- 2 Feb 1781: CA/US - Ethan Allen receives a further proposal from Col. Robinson; but sends both to Congress, with a request for the recognition of Vermont. Premising loyalty to Congress, he maintains that Vermont may properly treat with Great Britain, to prevent being subjected to another State, by the authority of a Government which Vermonters have helped to establish.
- Apr 1781: Col. Ira Allen is sent to Canada to arrange an exchange of prisoners.
- 1 May 1781: CA/US - Receiving proposals for Vermont's independnece, Col. Ira Allen temporizes to prevent invasion and enable the farmers to sow seed for another crop.
- 20 Aug 1781: CA/US - As a condition of Vermont's admission to the Union, Congress fixes boundaries which offend both Vermont and New York.
- Sep 1781: US - British proposals to Vermont include a Legislature of two branches.
- 17 Oct 1781: USA - The Americans obtain a great victory of British troops at the Siege of Yorktown
- 19 Oct 1781: US - Vermont declines Congress' terms.
- 14 Nov 1781: US - Governor Chittenden answers General Washington that, notwithstanding Vermont's interest in the common cause, the people would rather join British Canadians than be subject to New York.
- 18 Dec 1781: US - Troops sent from New York, to coerce New Hampshire grantees, learn that they will defend their rights.
40 | 1782 | - 1782: Ireland - Ireland obtains short-lived parliament
- 1782: US - A smallpox epidemic hits the Sanpoil of Washington.
- 1782: CA - In the course of this year John Molson, the future pioneer of Canadian steam navigation, arrives in Canada
- 1782: CA - Councillor Finlay proposes to establish English schools in Canadian parishes, and to prohibit using the French language in the Law Courts after a certain time.
- 1 Jan 1782: US - Threatened by three hostile forces, Vermont is advised by Gen. George Washington, a skilled surveyor, to limit jurisdiction to undisputed territory.
- 22 Feb 1782: US - Vermont accepts the prescribed delimination.
- 1 Mar 1782: US - It is proposed, in Congress, to treat Vermont as hostile, failing submission to the terms of 20th August, 1781, and to divide it between New York and New Hampshire, along the ridge of the Green Mountains; and that the Commander-in-chief employ the Congressional forces to further this resolution.
- 22 Mar 1782: Great Britain - Lord North's government collapses
41 | 1783 | - 1783: Great Britain - Joseph Michel and Jacques Étienne Montgolfier invented the first practical hot air balloon.
- 1783: Great Britain - Fox-North coalition established
- 1783: Great Britain - Britain recognises American independence at the Treaty of Paris.
- 1783: Ireland - Act of Renunciation gives Ireland rights in legislation and judication
- 1783: Great Britain - William Pitt the Younger becomes Prime Minister, simplifies taxes and customs duties, tries to pacify Ireland, abolish slave-trading and laws preventing Catholics holding office; returns Florida and Minorca to Spain and Senegal to France
- 1783: Great Britain - Englishman Henry Cort invents the Rolling Mill for steel production.
- 1783: Great Britain - Sébastien Lenormand demonstrates the first parachute.
- 1783: Great Britain - Benjamin Hanks patents the self-winding clock.
- 1783: US - American independence is formally recognized at the Treaty of Paris.
- 1783: CA/US/UK - The success of the rebellious 13 American colonies leaves the British with the poorest remnants of their New World empire and the determination to prevent a second revolution. However, they have to accommodate the roughly 50,000 refugees from the American Revolution who settle in Nova Scotia and the upper St. Lawrence. These United Empire Loyalists soon begin to agitate for the political and property rights they had previously enjoyed in the thirteen colonies.
- 1783: CA/US - Treaty of Paris gives Americans fishing rights off Newfoundland, but not to dry or cure fish on land.
- 1783: CA - More than 5,000 Blacks leave the United States to live in the Maritimes, Quebec and Ontario. Having sided with the British during the American War of Independence, they come to Canada as United Empire Loyalists, some as free men and some as slaves. Although promised land by the British, they receive only varying amounts of poor-quality land, and, in fact, some receive none at all.
- 1783: CA - In Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Rose Fortune becomes Canada's first policewoman.
- 1783: CA/US - The border between Canada and the U.S. is accepted from the Atlantic Ocean to Lake of the Woods.
- 1783: CA - In the area around the mouth of the St. John River, those who fled the thirteen American colonies by 1783 are called United Empire Loyalists. Those who arrive after 1783 are called Late Loyalists.
- 1783: CA - Pennsylvania Germans begin moving into southwestern Ontario.
- 1783: US - Vermont delays entering the Union, because Congress is partial to New York, and because of the General Government's indebtedness, for which Vermont is not bound.
- 20 Jan 1783: US/UK - Preliminaries of peace are signed between Great Britain and the United States.
- 2 Apr 1783: Great Britain - William Bentinck, Duke of Portland Prime minister (Whig)
42 | 1784 | |
43 | 1785 | - 1785: Great Britain - William Pitt's motion for Parliamentary Reform is defeated
- 1785: Great Britain - Charles-Augustin de Coulomb invents the torsion balance.
- 1785: Great Britain - Blanchard invents a working parachute.
- 1785: Great Britain - Edmund Cartwright invents the power loom.
- 1785: France - Claude Berthollet invents chemical bleaching.
- 1785: Scotland - Glasgow triples in size, has 54 cotton mills in full work during period to 1818
- 1785: USA - Oliver Evans of Newport, Delaware invented the automatic flour-milling machinery that revolutionized the industry.
- 1785: UK - Introduction of Power loom in England for weaving cloth
- 1785: CA - The city of Saint John, New Brunswick is incorporated. Fredericton opens a Provincial Academy of Arts and Sciences, the germ of the University of New Brunswick (1859).
- 1785: CA - New Brunswick is separated from Nova Scotia
- 1785: CA - Du Calvet proposes Canadian representation in the British Parliament, three members, each, for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal.
- 1785: CA - To a proposed Elective Legislature, it is objected that French Canadians do not wish to change their customary laws, and that there are not enough fit men to compose a Legislature.
- 1785: CA - Isaac Brock takes command of the 49th Foot, which would be the backbone of the British Empire forces in Canada during the War of 1812.
44 | 1786 | - 1786: Great Britain - The Eden commercial treaty with France is drawn up
- 1786: Pennsylvania, USA - John Fitch invents a steamboat.
- 1786: CA - New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland allowed to import goods from the United States.
- 1786: CA - John Molson founds his first brewery in Montreal.
45 | 1787 | - 1787: Windsor, Great Britain - In Windsor Great Park, King George III alights from carriage and addresses oak tree as King of Prussia, but eventually recovers from this attack of dementia; first colonies in Australia, first iron boat launched
- 1787: CA - Prince William Henry (future William IV) lands at Quebec.
- 1787: CA - The Toronto Purchase was an agreement between the British crown and the Mississaugas of New Credit in 1787. The Mississaugas of New Credit exchanged for 250,808 acres (101,528 hectares) of land in Toronto for 149 barrels of goods and a small amount of cash. A revision of the deal was made in 1805.
The land sold consists of:
former city of Etobicoke, Ontario
former city of North York, Ontario
former city of Toronto, Ontario
west end of the former city of Scarborough, Ontario
former city of York, Ontario
former city of East York, Ontario
City of Vaughan, Ontario
King Township
Western end of Markham, Ontario (or Thornhill, Ontario)
Western end of Whitchurch