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1858 - 1938 (80 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1858 | - 1858: UK - Derby establishes his second minority government
- 1858: UK - Parliament passes the India Act
- 1858: UK - Eraser fitted to end of pencil
- 1858: UK - Jean Lenoir invents an internal combustion engine.
- 1858: UK - Hamilton Smith patents the rotary washing machine.
- 1858: CA - The Canadian government imposes revenue tariffs on US manufactured goods to pay for railroad debts.
- 1858: CA - The Halifax-Truro line begins rail service.
- 1858: CA - The Fraser Canyon Gold Rush starts, leading to the creation of the Colony of British Columbia on the Mainland and igniting the Fraser Canyon War.
- 1858: CA - The Toronto Islands are created after a fierce storm detaches the island from the mainland at the Eastern gap.
- 1858: CA - The British Columbia Provincial Police are established.
- 1858: NL - De aardappel wordt algemeen geaccepteerd als voedingsmiddel.
2 | 1859 | - 1859: UK - Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life asserts that all life had a common ancestor and that the origin of species was natural selection
- 1859: UK - Palmerston brings his second Liberal government to power.
- 1859: UK - Samuel Smiles' Self-Help published
- 1859: CA - Abraham Shadd is elected to the town council in Raleigh, Ontario and becomes the first Black elected to public office.
- 1859: CA - William Hall, born in Hants County, Nova Scotia, becomes the first Nova Scotian and the first Black to win the Victoria Cross for Bravery in the war. The Victoria Cross is the highest military honour in the Commonwealth of Nations.
- 1859: US - De Stoeckl returns to U.S. from St. Petersburg with authority to negotiate the sale of Alaska.
- 1859: CA - McGowan's War, a juridicial and political crisis in the Fraser River goldfieldsinvolving a spillover of San Francisco politics into British territory, has the potential to escalate into an annexationist uprising but is settled peaceably. Marines and Royal Engineers are dispatched to Yale, led by Colonel Clement Francis Moody and escorting Justice Matthew Baillie Begbie to resolve the matter, which ends amicably, and reassert British sovereignty over the fledgling Mainland Colony.
- 1859: CA - Lyman Cutler, an American settler, homesteads on San Juan Island in defiance of British claims and triggers off the Pig War.
- 1859: NL - De eerste (verharde) grindweg wordt aangelegd van Klinkmolenbrug, via Noordbarge tot Emmen en via Odoorn naar Gieten. M.Middelveldt wordt nu genoemd als loper voor de posterijen van Borger naar Emmen en terug.
3 | 1860 | - 1860: UK - Joseph Wilson Swan invented the light bulb, an incandescent lamp using a carbon filament.
- 1860: UK - Gladstone's budget and the Anglo-French Cobden Treaty codifies and extends the principles of free trade
- 1860: NL - Officiële afschaffing van de slavernij in Nederlandsch-Indië.
- 1860: NL - Hiddingh koopt het hele Compascuum inclusief de kosten voor fl 89.252,--
- 27 Jun 1860: CA - The first Queen's Plate race is held in Toronto
- 25 Aug 1860: CA - Montreal's Victoria Bridge opens
- 1 Sep 1860: CA - The construction of the Canadian House of Commons began. The cornerstone of the Parliament buildings is laid this day.
4 | 1861 | - 1861: UK - Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis published his deduction that childbirth fever was transmitted on the hands of doctors during their examinations
- 1861: UK - Death of Prince Albert, Prince Consort
- 1861: Australia - Women first given vote
- 1861: USA - Abraham Lincoln president of the USA 1861-1865.
- 1861: USA - Elisha Otis patents elevator safety brakes, creating a safer elevator.
- 1861: USA - Linus Yale invents the Yale lock or cylinder lock.
- 1861: USA - American Civil War (to 1865)
- 1861: CA -Viscount Monck becomes Governor-General.
- 1861: CA - Joseph Howe became Premier of Nova Scotia
- 1861: CA - Dr. Anderson Ruffin Abbott becomes the first Canadian Born Black to graduate from medical school.
- 1861: CA - The Cariboo Gold Rush starts in British Columbia.
- 14 Apr 1861: CA - A major flood hits Montreal
- 15 Apr 1861: CA - Nova Scotia: resolution for provincial union by Joseph Howe for referral to the other British North American provinces in July.
5 | 1862 | - 1862: France - Louis Pasteur published the germ theory: infection is caused by self-replicating microorganisms, and that attenuated viral cultures granted immunity. These beneficent antigens he named vaccines in honor of Edward Jenner and his vaccinia virus
- 1862: UK - Parliament passes the Limited Liability Act in order to provide vital stimulus to accumulation of capital in shares
- 1862: UK - Alexander Parkes invents the first man-made plastic, Parkesine.
- 1862: UK - Dr. Richard Gatling patents the machine gun.
- 1862: CA - The first female student is accepted into Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick
- 1862: CA/US - Smallpox sweeps through Fort Victoria area and down the length of the northwest coast, killing an estimated 200,000 Indian people - William Duncan, an Anglican missionary on the northwest coast, establishes the village of Metlakatla with 50 Tsimshian followers, who adopt the Christian faith and a European lifestyle. By 1880, more than 1,000 converts live there.
- 7 Apr 1862: US/UK - United Kingdom-United States treaty for suppression of African slave trade is signed
- 20 May 1862: CA - Macdonald-Cartier government falls. Free interprovincial trade granted by the Crown
6 | 1863 | |
7 | 1864 | - 1864: UK - Chimney-sweeper's Act, due in part to Charles Kinglsey's Water Babies
- 1864: UK - Great Battle of Berkhamstead Common saves common land, Epping Forest also saved
- 1864: UK - Reform Bill, working men given franchise
- 1864: Canada - First independent dominion in the British Empire under the Dominion of Canada Act
- 1864: UK - Judge declares trades unions illegal
- 29 Jun 1864: CA - An train of newly arrived immigrants fails to stop at the open swing span near Beloeil, Canada East. The Grand Trunk Railway train runs into the Richelieu River, killing 99.
- 18 Jul 1864: US - North-South negotiations begin at Niagara Falls, New York
- 1 Sep 1864: CA - Charlottetown Conference, noted as the first step towards Canadian Confederation
- 19 Oct 1864: CA/US - The St. Albans Raid was the northernmost land action of the American Civil War, taking place in St. Albans, Vermont on October 19, 1864.
In this unusual incident, Bennett H. Young led Confederate States Army forces. Young had become a prisoner of war after the Battle of Salineville in Ohio ended Morgan's Raid the year before; he later escaped to Canada (then the Province of Canada, part of the British Empire) and returned to the South, where he proposed raids on the Union from the Canadian border to build the Confederate treasury and force the Union Army to protect the northern border and diverting troops from the South. Young was commissioned as a lieutenant and returned to Canada, where he recruited other escaped rebels to participate in a raid St. Albans, Vermont, a quiet town 15 miles (25 km) from the Canadian border.
8 | 1865 | |
9 | 1866 | - 1866: UK - Gregor Mendel, in Versuche über Pflantenhybriden, interpreted heredity in terms of a pairing of dominant and/or recessive unit characters; that is, ones that could in practice be treated as indivisible and independent particles
- 1866: UK - Alfred Nobel patented dynamite
- 1866: UK - Russell and Gladstone fail to have their moderate Reform Bill passed in parliament. Derby takes power in his third minority Conservative government
- 1866: UK - Englishman Robert Whitehead invents a torpedo.
- 1866: UK - J. Osterhoudt patents the tin can with a key opener.
- 1866: CA/US - North wins Civil War with large manufacturing growth, large army and anger at British for supporting South. Threats in US Congress to annex Canada. RR's and settlers expanding rapidly west. Reciprocal trade treaty annihilated by US.
- 2 Jun 1866: CA/US - Battle of Ridgeway, Fenians invade Canada, giving Irish republicans at home a greater advantage over the British back home
- 1 Jul 1866: CA - The Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick are united into the Dominion of Canada by the British North America Act.
- 6 Aug 1866: CA - the Colonies of Vancouver Island and Colony of British Columbia are united, bearing the Mainland's name as the United Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia but with the Island capital, Victoria, as the seat of government of the united colony.
10 | 1867 | - 1867: UK - Derby and Benjamin Disraeli's Second Reform Bill doubles the franchise to two million.
- 1867: UK - Christopher Scholes invents the first practical and modern typewriter.
- 1867: CA - Andrew R. Wetmore becomes premier of New Brunswick, replacing Peter Mitchell
- 1867: NL - De graanoogsten in Drenthe mislukken. Vooral Sleen en Zweeloo worden ernstig getroffen.
- 29 Mar 1867: CA/UK - Queen Victoria gives royal assent to the British North America Act, 1867
- 1 Jul 1867: CA - Sir John A. Macdonald becomes the first prime minister of the Dominion of Canada
- 4 Jul 1867: CA - Hiram Blanchard becomes premier of Nova Scotia, replacing Charles Tupper
- 15 Jul 1867: CA - Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau becomes the first premier of Quebec.
- 16 Jul 1867: CA - J. S. Macdonald becomes the first premier of Ontario
- 6 Nov 1867: CA - the 1st Canadian Parliament meets
- 7 Nov 1867: CA - William Annand becomes premier of Nova Scotia, replacing Hiram Blanchard
11 | 1868 | |
12 | 1869 | |
13 | 1870 | - 1870: UK - Primary education becomes compulsory in Britain through the Forster-Ripon English Elementary Education Act (but poor children still roam streets after school). The Act means labourers, spouses and children of succeeding generations can read and write; women permitted to sit on school boards
- 1870: UK - Parliament passes the Women's Property Act, extending the rights of married women, and the Irish Land Act
- 1870: UK - First British postcard devised by Anthony Trollope
- 1870: USA - Wheeler introduces toilet paper roll
- 1870: Inauguration of London to Calcutta telegraph line, first electronic link between Europe and India
- 1870: UK - Volume of Britain's external trade equals France, Germany and Italy combined, 3-4 times greater than US; agricultural wages reach height not surpassed for many years
- 1870: UK - Religious tests abolished for academic posts, patronage abolished for all public offices, competitive exams introduced for Civil Service
- 1870: Europe - Prussia defeats France in the Franco Prussian War.
- 1870: CA - The Manitoba Act was given Royal Assent in the 33rd year of Queen Victoria's reign, May 12 1870. Taking effect on July 15, 1870, the Manitoba Act created the Province of Manitoba. The Manitoba Act is a Canadian Statute, and is still part of the Constitution of Canada.
- 1870: CA - First Dominion of Canada banknote introduced
- 1870: CA - G.E. King elected Premier of New Brunswick
- 1870: CA - At the Battle of Oldman River between the Cree and the Blood 340 are killed
- 1870: CA - George King becomes premier of New Brunswick, replacing Andrew Wetmore
- 1870: NL - Pokken epidemie in Nederland. In 1871 steigt het aantal doden tot 15.787.
- 1870: NL - In Nederland wordt de doodstraf afgeschaft.
- 1870: NL - Vestingwerken rond Coevorden moeten worden gesloopt.
- 1870: NL - De spoorlijn Meppel-Groningen wordt geopend.
- 25 May 1870: CA/US - For two weeks the Fenians launch their final attack against Canada, like the others it is unsuccessful
- 15 Jul 1870: CA - The Hudson's Bay Company's lands are officially transferred to Canada, and the province of Manitoba and the North-West Territories are established
- 16 Sep 1870: CA - Alfred Boyd becomes the first premier of Manitoba
14 | 1871 | - 1871: UK - Trade Unions are legalized
- 1871: CA - National Meteorological Service is formed
- 1871: CA - Parliament legalizes the use of the metric system
- 1871: CA - Ontario Schools Act is passed in Ontario, requiring all students aged 7 to 12 to attend school.
- 1871: NL - Jan Fabricius geboren in Assen.
- 10 Mar 1871: CA - Government of Manitoba meets for the first time
- 2 Apr 1871: CA - The first formal Canadian census, which counted the population of Nova Scotia, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Quebec. In 1918, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics was formed, and replaced by Statistics Canada in 1971. The 1871 census finds the population to be 3,689,257
- 8 May 1871: CA/US - The Treaty of Washington reaches agreements on fishing rights and Great Lakes trade between Canada and the United States
- 17 May 1871: CA - New Brunswick abandons separate schools
- 20 Jul 1871: CA - British Columbia joins Confederation.
- 25 Jul 1871: CA - Treaty 1, the first of a number of treaties with western Canada's First Nations is signed
- 17 Aug 1871: CA - Treaty 2 is signed
- 11 Nov 1871: CA - The last of the British army leaves Canada
- 13 Nov 1871: CA - John McCreight becomes the first premier of British Columbia
15 | 1872 | - 1872: UK - Secret voting is introduced for elections
- 1872: UK - Parliament passes the Scottish Education Act
- 1872: USA - A.M. Ward issues the first mail-order catalog.
- 1872: UK - J.S. Risdon patents the metal windmill.
- 1872: UK - Period to 1896 sees three economic slumps and two recoveries, said to be due to imported foodstuffs from US depressing Britain's agricultural business
- 1872: USA - Levi Strauss discovered rugged trousers for miners made out of sturdy brown canvas. Once this resource was exhausted, he turned to denim, which he dyed blue to become what is known now as blue jeans
- 1872: CA - The Dominion Lands Act provides land to settlers for only a small fee
- 1872: CA - The Manitoba Free Press is first published
- 1872: CA - A British Columbia law bans all Asian and First Nations peoples from voting.
- 1872: CA - Elijah McCoy, born in Colchester, Ontario, invents the first of his many devices to oil engines used on trains and in factories.
- 1872: CA - The new Patent Act encourages import or licensing of technology and foreign patents by allowing legal use of patent in Canada if not registered in Canada within two years.
- 1872: CA - An award of arbitration sets the final boundary between Canada and the United States in the Gulf of Georgia and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, ending the San Juan boundary dispute.
- 31 Mar 1872: CA - The first issue of the Toronto Mail, which would later be merged into the Globe and Mail, is published
- 15 May 1872: CA - In the first nationwide labour protest, marchers across the land press for the nine-hour workday.
- 22 Jun 1872: CA - A Grand Trunk Railway express passenger train from Toronto to Montreal derails near Shannonville, Ontario, killing 34.
- 25 Jun 1872: CA - Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1st Earl of Dufferin becomes Governor General of Canada
- 15 Oct 1872: CA - The Canadian Pacific Railway Company is formed
16 | 1873 | - 1873: UK - William Gladstone's government resigns after the defeat of their Irish Universities Bill. Benjamin Disraeli declines to take up office instead
- 1873: UK - Parmalee invents automatic fire sprinklers
- 1873: UK - Joseph Glidden invents barbed wire.
- 1873: UK - The Great Depression lasts until 1896
- 1873: NL - Atjeh oorlog. Op 8 april landt het Koninklijk Nederlands Indisch Leger op de kust van Sumatra.
- 1 Apr 1873: CA - The SS Atlantic is wrecked off Peggys Cove
- 23 May 1873: CA - North-West Mounted Police are founded to police the Northwest Territories, which then included the region today of Alberta and Saskatchewan
- 1 Jul 1873: CA - Prince Edward Island joins the Canadian Confederation.
- 25 Aug 1873: CA - A cyclone hits Cape Breton Island killing 500 and causing much damage
- 8 Nov 1873: CA - Winnipeg incorporated as a city
17 | 1874 | - 1874: UK - Benjamin Disraeli becomes Conservative Prime Minister for the second time
- 1874: USA - American, C. Goodyear, Jr. invents the shoe welt stitcher.
- 1874: CA - Anabaptists (Russian Mennonites) start to arrive in Manitoba from various Russian colonies.
- 1874: NL - Kinderwet van Samuel van Houten. Arbeid door kinderen onder de 12 jaar wordt verboden.
- 26 Jul 1874: CA - Alexander Graham Bell discloses the invention of the telephone to his father at the family home on the outskirts of Brantford, Ontario.
- 1 Oct 1874: CA - The North-West Mounted Police base at Fort Macleod is founded
18 | 1875 | - 1875: UK - Benjamin Disraeli purchases a controlling interest for Britain in the Suez Canal.
- 1875: UK - Parliament passes R.A. Cross's Conservative social reforms
- 1875: UK - Collapse of British agriculture due to cheap grain from US, wheat acreage falls by nearly a million acres
- 1875: CA - Jennifer Trout becomes the first woman licensed to practise medicine in Canada, although Emily Stowe has been doing so without a licence in Toronto since 1867
- 1875: CA - Grace Lockhart receives from Mount Allison University the first Bachelor of Arts degree awarded to a woman.
- 1875: CA - Hospital for Sick Children founded.
- 14 Jan 1875: CA - The Halifax Herald is first published
- 5 Apr 1875: CA - The Supreme Court of Canada is created
- 1 Jun 1875: CA - Construction begins on the Canadian Pacific Railway
19 | 1876 | - 1876: USA - Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
- 1876: Germany - Nikolas August Otto designed the first four-stroke piston engine
- 1876: UK - Queen Victoria becomes Empress of India.
- 1876: Bulgaria - The massacre of Christians in Turkish Bulgaria leads to anti-Turkish campaigns in Britain, led by William Gladstone
- 1876: UK - Melville Bissell patents the carpet sweeper.
- 1876: CA - The Indian Act defines the special status and land regulations of Aboriginal peoples in Canada who live on reserves; they have no vote in Canadian elections and are exempt from taxes
- 1876: CA - The Toronto Women's Literary Club is founded as a front for the suffrage movement
- 1876: NL - Mata Hari wordt op 7 augustus in Leeuwarden geboren als Margaretha Geertruida Zelle.
- 1 Jul 1876: CA - The Intercolonial Railway connecting central Canada to the Maritimes is completed
- 10 Aug 1876: CA - The world's first long-distance phone call connects the Bell residence with a shoe and boot store in nearby Paris, Ontario.
20 | 1877 | - 1877: South Africa - Confederation of British and Boer states established
- 1877: USA - Rutherford Hayes president of the USA 1877-1881.
- 1877: USA - Thomas Edison invents the cylinder phonograph or tin foil phonograph.
- 1877: UK - Eadweard Muybridge invents the first moving pictures.
- 1877: CA - Charles Alphonse Pantaléon Pelletier appointed Minister of Agriculture and called to the Senate of Canada
- 1877: CA - Manzo Nagano was the first official Japanese immigrant into Canada
- 1877: CA - Refugee Lakota enter Canada near the end of the Great Sioux War
- 28 Feb 1877: CA - University of Manitoba founded
21 | 1878 | - 1878: Berlin, Germany - The Congress of Berlin is held. Benjamin Disraeli announces peace with honour
- 1878: CA - Anti-Chinese sentiment in British Columbia reaches a high point as the government bans Chinese workers from public works.
- 7 Mar 1878: CA - Both the Université de Montréal and the University of Western Ontario are incorporated
22 | 1879 | |
23 | 1880 | - 1880: UK - William Gladstone establishes his second Liberal government
- 1880: South Africa - The first Anglo-Boer War begins
- 1880: UK - British forests now decimated except for bits of the New Forest and the Forest of Dean.
- 1880: UK - Number of agricultural labourers reduced by about 100,000 in last 10 years
- 1880: UK - Englishman John Milne invents the modern seismograph.
- 1880: UK - The British Perforated Paper Company invents a form of toilet paper.
- 1880: NL - Geboorte van prinses Wilhelmina.
- 1880: NL - Grote veenbranden teisteren de Zuidoost hoek van Drenthe. Vooral Nieuw Weerdinge wordt zwaar getroffen.
24 | 1881 | - 1881: London, UK - Savoy Theatre introduces electric lighting
- 1881: London, UK - Parliament passes the Irish Land Act and the Coercion Act
- 1881: USA - Death of Billy the Kid
- 1881: USA - James Garfield president of the USA 1881. Garfield was wounded by an assassin's bullet on 3 Jul 1881 and dies 19 Sep 1881.
- 1881: UK - David Houston patents the roll film for cameras.
- 1881: USA - Alexander Graham Bell invents the first crude metal detector.
- 1881: UK - Edward Leveaux patents the automatic player piano.
- 1881: CA - Manitoba's boundaries are extended north, east and west. Ontario disputes the eastward extension.
- 1881: NL - Assen wordt aangewezen als garnizoensstad.
- 17 Jan 1881: CA - The Interprovincial Bridge connecting Ottawa to Hull, Quebec, opens
- 16 Feb 1881: CA - The Canadian Pacific Railway is incorporated
- 4 Apr 1881: CA - The 1881 census finds Canada's population to be 4,324,810
- 24 May 1881: CA - The overloaded Victoria steamer capsizes on the Thames River near London, Ontario, killing 182 people.
- 19 Sep 1881: USA - Chester A. Arthur president of the USA 1881-1885. Vice president under James Garfield, he is sworn in as president upon the death of Garfield.
25 | 1882 | - 1882: Europe - A triple alliance is established between Germany, Austria and Italy
- 1882: USA - Standard Oil controls 95% of oil refining capacity
- 1882: UK - Stillwell invents brown paper bag
- 1882: Egypt - Revolt leading to British occupation
- 1882: CA - John Ware, a Texas cowboy, moves to Alberta. He introduces longhorn cattle into Canada and pioneers the development of rodeo.
- 17 May 1882: CA - Provisional districts of the North-West Territories are established between Manitoba and British Columbia: the districts of Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Athabaska
26 | 1883 | - 1883: CA - Augusta Stowe, daughter of Emily Stowe, is the first woman to graduate from the Toronto Medical School.
- 1883: CA - The Toronto Women's Suffrage Association replaces the Literary Club of 1876.
- 1883: CA - Nickel-copper ore is discovered at Murray Mine in Sudbury during construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway
- 1883: NL - Vissersramp op 6 maart in Paesens-Moddergat. 17 aken met 83 opvarenden vergaan.
- 1883: NL - Van Gogh schildert in Drenthe.
- 31 Aug 1883: CA - The Calgary Herald publishes its first issue
- 19 Nov 1883: CA - Canada adopts Standard Time
- 1 Dec 1883: CA - Regina officially declared a town.
27 | 1884 | - 1884: Vienna, Austria - Sigmund Freud published a paper in which he found cocaine, an alkaloid in coca, effective against fatigue and neurasthenia.
- 1884: UK - Hilaire de Chardonnet invented the first artificial textile, which was made from cellulose. It was later named rayon
- 1884: UK - Parliament passes the third Reform Act which further extends the franchise
- 1884: UK - Fabian Society forms, rejects Marxian theory, embraces Ricardian theory (socialist)
- 1884: One-third of world's shipping is British, including 4/5 of world's steamships
- 1884: Burma - Britain annexes Upper Burma
- 1884: Africa - Britain and Germany partition East Africa
- 1884: UK - Excess of births over deaths in England is 13.3, in Germany 10.8, and France 1.4.
- 1884: USA - James Ritty invents the first working, mechanical cash register.
- 1884: UK - Charles Parson patents the steam turbine.
- 1884: USA - Lewis Edson Waterman invents the first practical fountain pen.
- 1884: USA - George Eastman patents paper-strip photographic film.
- 1884: CA - Canadian Parliament passes the Indian Advancement Act, encouraging democratic elections of chiefs. Mohawks at St. Regis, Ontario, resist the provision, preferring their traditional method of choosing leaders.
- 1884: NL - Er wordt een klinkerweg aangelegd tussen Emmen en Sleen.
- 1884: NL - Stieltjeskanaal bevaarbaar.
- 1884: NL - Opening spoorweg Groningen-Delfzijl.
- 2 Jan 1884: CA - "Humber Railway Disaster" 32 men and boys were killed upon the head on collision of a of a Grand Trunk Railway commuter train with an unscheduled freight train #42C near Toronto, Ontario. Most of the dead were workers being transported on the freight train to the Ontario Bolt Works in Swansea.
- 15 Oct 1884: CA - The La Presse newspaper is founded
28 | 1885 | - 1885: Mesopotamia - Death of General Gordon at Khartoum.
- 1885: USA - Grover Cleveland president of the USA 1885-1889.
- 1885: Germany - Karl Benz invents the first practical automobile to be powered by an internal combustion engine.
- 1885: USA - Harim Maxim invents a machine gun.
- 1885: Germany - Gottlieb Daimler invents the first gas-engined motorcycle.
- 1885: CA - Banff National Park, the first national park in Canada is established
- 1885: CA - A head tax on Chinese immigrants is imposed by the federal government
- 26 Mar 1885: CA - Louis Riel and the Métis battle the North West Mounted Police at Duck Lake
- 9 May 1885: CA - North-West Rebellion: Battle of Batoche the Métis are defeated in 3 day battle
- 3 Jun 1885: CA - North-West Rebellion: Battle of Loon Lake. The last Cree resistance is shattered.
- 2 Jul 1885: CA - Big Bear captured. Big Bear or Mistahimaskwa (c.1825 – 17 January 1888) was born in the Canadian Northwest, and became Chief of the Plains Cree First Nation during the latter half of the nineteenth century. He is most notable for his resistance against the Canadian government.
- 7 Nov 1885: CA - The transcontinental railway is completed
29 | 1886 | - 1886: UK - Gladstone's third Liberal government fails to pass its first Irish Home Rule Bill through the House of Commons. Gladstone resigns as Prime Minister. Split in the Liberal Party. Salisbury establishes his second Conservative-Liberal-Unionist government.
- 1886: UK - The Royal Niger Company is chartered
- 1886: South Africa - Gold is discovered in the Transvaal
- 1886: New York, NY, USA - Statue of Liberty erected in New York Harbour
- 1886: UK - Local Government Act establishes County Councils as administrative organs of country life, replace Justices of Peace who are preserved as magistrates, creates London County Council (does not cover City); women are included with men in electorate of newly- established County Councils
- 1886: UK - British South Africa Company, formed by Yorkshireman Cecil Rhodes, colonization of Rhodesia begins
- 1886: UK - Great Dock Strike of London dockers, led by John Burns and Tom Mann
- 1886: USA - John Pemberton invents Coca Cola.
- 1886: USA - Josephine Cochrane invents the dishwasher.
- 1886: UK - 3,992,880 migrants leave UK for US, 2,235,671 leave UK for British North America during period to 1927
- 1886: CA - Mohawk men of the Caughnawaga Reserve in Quebec are trained to help build a bridge across the St. Lawrence River, beginning a tradition of high steel construction work among the Iroquois.
- 1886: CA - Construction begins on the Banff Springs Hotel
- 25 Mar 1886: CA - Workman's Compensation Act passed in Ontario
- 6 Apr 1886: CA - Vancouver incorporated as a city
- 6 Jun 1886: CA - The Parliament buildings open in Ottawa
- 7 Jun 1886: CA - Elzéar-Alexandre Taschereau becomes the first Canadian cardinal
- 14 Dec 1886: CA - Yoho National Park established
30 | 1887 | - 1887: Germany - Emile Berliner patents the gramophone
- 1887: UK - Queen Victoria celebrates her Golden Jubilee
- 1887: UK - The Independent Labour Party is founded
- 1887: UK - The British East Africa Company is chartered
- 1887: UK - Telegraph companies control 107,000 miles of submarine cable
- 1887: USA - There are estimated to be 5,400 cash registers in US (increases to 16,900 in 1890)
- 1887: Germany - Heinrich Hertz discovers radio waves.
- 1887: UK - F.E. Muller and Adolph Fick invent the first wearable contact lenses.
- 1887: NL - In Oostzaan neemt Albert Heijn de winkel van zijn vader over.
- 3 Mar 1887: CA/US - The United States imposes the Fisheries Retaliation Act putting limits on Canadian fishermen and traders
- 23 Apr 1887: CA - McMaster University founded
- 3 May 1887: CA - 148 coal miners are killed in a mine explosion near Nanaimo, British Columbia
- 3 Dec 1887: CA - Saturday Night is a Canadian general interest magazine. It was founded in Toronto, Ontario in 1887.
The publication was first established as a weekly broadsheet newspaper about public affairs and the arts, which was later expanded into a general interest magazine.
31 | 1888 | - 1888: UK - Celluloid photographic film introduced
- 1888: UK - The County Councils' Act establishes representative county based authorities
- 1888: USA - Kodak box camera
- 1888: UK - Coin-operated public telephone invented
- 1888: UK - John Boyd Dunlop patents a commercially successful pneumatic tyre.
- 1888: USA - Nikola Tesla invents the AC motor and transformer.
- 1888: USA - Marvin Stone patents the spiral winding process to manufacture the first paper drinking straws.
- 1888: CA/US - Boundary survey started by Dr. William H. Dall of the United States and Dr. George M. Dawson of Canada.
- 30 Jun 1888: CA - The Northwest Territories holds its first general election; 22 members of the Legislative Assembly are elected. All are independents; there are no party politics in the territories
32 | 1889 | - 1889: UK - The British South Africa Company is chartered
- 1889: Paris, France - The Eiffel Tower, designed by French engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, is completed for the Paris Exposition.
- 1889: UK - First Official Secrets Act in UK
- 1889: USA - Benjamin Harrison president of the USA 1889-1893.
- 1889: UK - Sir James Dewar and Sir Frederick Abel co-invent Cordite - a type of smokeless gunpowder.
- 1889: UK - Joshua Pusey invents the matchbook.
- 1889: CA - The Dominion Women Enfranchisement Association is created to campaign for women's right to vote
- 1889: NL - Er wordt een klinkerweg aangelegd tussen Emmen, Zuidbarge, Erica naar Nieuw Amsterdam
- 1889: NL - Jan Fabricius wordt geldloper en krantenbezorger bij de Provinciale Drentsche en Asser Courant.
- 1889: NL - Jonkheer Van Holthe tot Echten koopt als eerste Drent een auto: hij toert trots met zijn Benz door Assen.
- 19 Sep 1889: CA - A rock slide in Quebec City kills 45
33 | 1890 | - 1890: UK - Starting this decade, women's clothing becomes less voluminous, lawn tennis takes place of croquet as means of meeting opposite sex, bicycle becomes fashionable
- 1890: NL - Koning Willem III overlijdt. Koningin Emma wordt regentes.
- 31 Mar 1890: CA - Manitoba Liberals under Thomas Greenway halt public funding of Catholic schools; causes uproar in Quebec.
34 | 1891 | - 1891: UK - University of Wales founded; Act permits women to enter medical or other faculty on same terms as men
- 1891: USA - Jesse W. Reno invents the escalator.
- 1891: UK - Agricultural depression to 1899 as cheaper frozen meat from Australia, New Zealand and South America floods into Britain, cheaper grain comes in from North America
- 1891: CA - The Legislative Council of New Brunswick is abolished
- 1891: NL - Gerard en Anton Philips richten een gloeilampenfabriek op.
- 21 Feb 1891: CA - The first Springhill Mining Disaster occurs killing 125.
- 10 Dec 1891: CA - The Canadian Pacific Railway is extended to Edmonton
35 | 1892 | - 1892: France - Leon Bouly invents cinematographic film camera
- 1892: UK - William Gladstone forms his fourth Liberal government
- 1892: UK - Sir James Dewar invents the Dewar flask or vacuum flask.
- 1892: Germany - Rudolf Diesel invents the diesel-fueled internal combustion engine.
- 1892: CA - First documented women's hockey game in takes place in Barrie, Ontario playing on a outdoor ice surface
- 1892: CA - The Toronto Star founded
- 1892: CA - Harbord Collegiate Institute was opened
- 1892: NL - Verschijning van het eerste dagblad de Telegraaf.
- 1892: NL - Industrieel Willem Albert Scholten komt te overlijden. Hij was de man die veel gedaan heeft voor de veenkoloniale ontwikkeling. Hij was sociaal erg meelevend. Het Scholtenskanaal dankt haar naam aan hem zoals Klazienaveen haar naam ontleend aan zijn vrouw Klaziena van der Sluis.
- 8 Jul 1892: CA - Two-thirds of St. Johns, Newfoundland, destroyed in a fire
- 5 Dec 1892: CA - Sir John Sparrow David Thompson becomes PM. One of his first acts is to establish the Criminal Code of Canada, which is the codification of most of the criminal offences and procedure in Canada. Section 91(27) of the Canadian constitution
36 | 1893 | - 1893: USA - Whitcomb L. Judson invented the zip to help a friend with a stiff back who could not bend over to do up his shoes
- 1893: UK - Second Irish Home Rule Bill fails to pass the House of Lords
- 1893: New Zealand - First nation to grant women the right to vote
- 1893: France - Car number plates introduced
- 1893: USA - Grover Cleveland president of the USA 1893-1897.
- 1893: The Canada Evidence Act is an Act of the Parliament of Canada that regulates the rules of evidence. The Act only applies to law within the jurisdiction of the federal government. Thus the Act applies only to federally enacted courts.
- 1893: NL - Vissersramp op 1 december in Wierum. 22 vissers komen om.
- 27 May 1893: CA - Algonquin Park is established as a wildlife sanctuary in Ontario
- 16 Sep 1893: CA - Calgary incorporated as a city
- 27 Oct 1893: CA - The National Council of Women meets for the first time
37 | 1894 | - 1894: UK - Rosebery takes power with his minority Liberal government
- 22 Mar 1894: CA - Montreal Hockey Club defeats Ottawa to win the first Stanley Cup challenge.
- 14 Jun 1894: Massey Hall opens in Toronto. The hall was the site of the legendary Charlie Parker-Dizzy Gillespie concert recorded as Jazz at Massey Hall in May 1953. Accompanying Gillespie and Parker in this acoustically sound hall were Bud Powell, Max Roach, and Charles Mingus.
- 3 Sep 1894: CA - Labour Day celebrated for the first time in Canada.
38 | 1895 | - 1895: UK - Oscar Wilde jailed for homosexuality
- 1895: UK - Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, using a Crookes' tube, observed a new form of penetrating radiation, which he named X-rays
- 1895: Italy - Guglielmo Marconi sent longwave wireless telegraphic, or radio, signals over a distance of more than a mile
- 1895: UK - Salisbury forms his third Unionist ministry
- 1895: USA - Kellogg's Corn Flakes go on sale
- 1895: France - Lumiere Brothers invent a portable motion-picture camera, film processing unit and projector called the Cinematographe. The Lumiere Brothers using their Cinematographe are the first to present a projected motion picture to an audience of more that one person.
- 1895: CA - The Chinese Board of Trade is formed in Vancouver
- 1895: NL - Koningin Wilhelmina en Koningin-regentes Emma bezoeken Drenthe
- 2 Oct 1895: CA - Additional provisional districts of the North-West Territories are established: the districts of Ungava, Mackenzie, Yukon, and Franklin. The districts of Keewatin and Athabaska are enlarged so that all points of Canada are either within a province or a district.
39 | 1896 | - 1896: Vienna, Austria - Sigmund Freud suggested analyzing childhood conflicts in the study of neuroses. He also devised a psychoanalytic technique called free association which allows emotionally-charged, repressed material to be consciously recognized
- 1896: Sudan - British conquest of the Sudan begins
- 1896: USA - Lightner Witmer establishes at the University of Pennsylvania a clinic of psychology, the first psychological clinic in America and perhaps in the world
- 1896: UK - Items considered luxuries in 1837 are now common comforts; food, clothing, bedding, furniture, are all far more abundant; gas and oil lighting being replaced by electricity; seaside holidays no longer rare
- 1896: UK - Howard publishes Garden Cities of Tomorrow, forerunner of modern city planning
- 1896: York, UK - Seebohm Rowntree (of chocolate fame) studies poor, determines poverty due to inadequate wages, not shiftlessness
- 1896: USA - American, H. O'Sullivan invents the rubber heel.
- 1896: CA - A plan to populate the western prairies with immigration from eastern Europe is unveiled
- 1896: CA - The first Canadian blast furnace opens in Hamilton, Ontario
- 1896: NL - NL - Notaris Baccx rijdt als eerste in Nederland met een eigen auto.
- 26 May 1896: CA - a bridge collapse in Victoria, British Columbia kills 55 people
- 17 Aug 1896: CA - Gold is discovered in the Yukon, prompting the Klondike gold rush
40 | 1897 | - 1897: UK - Queen Victoria celebrates her Diamond Jubilee
- 1897: USA - Telephone penetration in US is 7 per 1,000 people
- 1897: USA - William McKinley president of the USA 1897-1901. William McKinley dies in Buffalo, NY, 1901.
- 1897: NL - Coevorden aangesloten op het Overijsselse tramnet.
- 29 Jan 1897: CA - The Victorian Order of Nurses is founded in Ottawa and created as a gift for Queen Victoria for the purposes of home care and social services.
- 2 Feb 1897: CA - Clara Brett Martin becomes the first woman allowed to practice law in Ontario
- 19 Feb 1897: CA - World's first Women's Institute founded in Stoney Creek, Ontario
41 | 1898 | - 1898: UK - Christopher Latham Sholes patented the typewriter. His QWERTY keyboard is still with us today.
- 1898: Sudan - British rule over Sudan fully established
- 1898: USA - Campbell's soups first appear with red and white labels, colors suggested by Cornell University's football uniforms.
- 1898: USA - Spanish-American War: United States vs Spain 1898.
- 1898: UK - Edwin Prescott patents the roller coaster.
- 1898: CA - The Parliament of Canada passed the Quebec Boundary Extension Act that expanded the provincial boundaries northward to include the lands of the aboriginal Cree.
- 1898: CA - White Pass and Yukon Railway opens
- 1898: CA - Kit Coleman covers the Spanish-American War as Canada's first female war correspondent
- 1898: NL - Inhuldiging van koningin Wilhelmina te Amsterdam.
- 1898: NL - De Motor Tram Omnibus van Meijer gaat rijden.
42 | 1899 | - 1899: Germany - German Naval expansion begins
- 1899: South Africa - Boer War begins and lasts three years, sparked when Englishman dies in Boer police custody. Scandalous British concentration camps cause many deaths of woman and children
- 1899: Australia - Unification of Australia as Commonwealth
- 1899: UK - Judges again declare trade unions illegal
- 1899: UK - J.S. Thurman patents the motor-driven vacuum cleaner.
- 1899: UK - I.R. Johnson patents the bicycle frame.
- 1899: UK - Education is now compulsory to age 12. 1 in 8 receives education after age 14
- 1899: NL - De Transvaalse Oorlog breekt uit in Zuid-Afrika
- 20 Jan 1899: About 2000 Doukhobors arrive in Halifax, Nova Scotia. They are a Christian group of Russian origin who continue to live today in south-eastern British Columbia and Saskatchewan.
- 21 Jun 1899: CA - Treaty No. 8 cedes much of northern Alberta to the federal government
- 18 Sep 1899: CA - The new City Hall building opens in Toronto.
- 4 Oct 1899: CA - First Canadian troops sent to an overseas war (Boer War)
43 | 1900 | - 1900: UK - Salisbury wins the Khaki election. The Labour Representation Committee is formed
- 1900: UK - Max Planck proposes quantum theory
- 1900: UK - There are reckoned to be 6,000 accountants in England
- 1900: China - Boxer Rebellion
- 1900: Italy - King Assassinated
- 1900: USA - Kodak Introduces $1 Brownie Cameras
- 1900: Vienna, Austria - Sigmund Freud Publishes The Interpretation of Dreams
- 1900: UK - Birmingham University founded
- 1900: Germany - The zeppelin invented by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.
- 1900: USA - Charles Seeberger redesigned Jesse Reno's escalator and invented the modern escalator.
- 1900: CA - The federal government doubles the head tax on Chinese immigrants
- 1900: CA - The Canadian Tuberculosis Association meets for the first time
- 18 Feb 1900: CA - Boer War: The Royal Canadian Regiment plays a decisive role in the Battle of Paardeburg over a span of 9 days.
- 26 Apr 1900: CA - Two-thirds of Hull, Quebec, is destroyed in a fire.
- 6 Dec 1900: CA - Alphonse Desjardins founds Mouvement Desjardins, the first credit union in North America.
44 | 1901 | - 1901: USA - Willis H. Carrier invented the industrial air conditioner
- 1901: UK - Vacuum Cleaner invented by Hubert Cecil Booth
- 1901: Atlantic - Guglielmo Marconi sends wireless message from Cornwall to Newfoundland, a distance of over 2,000 miles
- 1901: Stockholm, Sweden - First Nobel Prizes Awarded
- 1901: USA - Theodore Roosevelt president of the USA 1901-1909. Vice president under William McKinley, he is sworn in as president upon death of McKinley.
- 1901: USA - King Camp Gillette invents the double-edged safety razor.
- 1901: UK - Edward VII, ruler of England to 1910. House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: Eldest son of Queen Victoria, married Alexandra, Princess of Denmark.
- 1901: NL - Koningin Wilhelmina huwt Prins Hendrik, Hertog van Mecklenburg.
- 22 Jan 1901: UK - Death of Queen Victoria, aged 81, over 63 years as Queen
45 | 1902 | |
46 | 1903 | - 1903: USA - Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright achieved flight in a manned, gasoline power-driven, heavier-than-air flying machine at Kitty Hawk.
- 1903: UK - First Silent Movie, The Great Train Robbery
- 1903: India - Plague strikes
- 1903: Ireland - Irish land purchase bill, Wyndham's Act, permits Irish to buy land from landlords with £150 million of loans included
- 1903: UK - Liverpool University, Sheffield University and Leeds University founded
- 1903: UK - Balfour's Licensing Act reduces number of houses selling alcohol
- 1903: UK - Trade depression - unemployment results; Act sets up local committees to find employment, voluntary contributions give small stipend to unemployed
- 1903: UK - Act of Parliament secures highly privileged immunity for trades unions; Labour Party formed
- 1903: UK - Free school meals for poor children, Children's Act deals with cruelty to children, prohibits imprisonment of children under 14
- 1903: UK - 72 British ships have Marconi's radio, 1912 - 450, 1914 - 879
- 1903: UK - Beginning of Old Age Pension scheme
- 1903: UK - Trade depression - unemployment results; William Beveridge publishes Unemployment, a Problem of Industry, which prompts creation of Labour Exchanges
- 1903: Europe - Louis Bleriot flies across the English Channel
- 1903: UK - Edward Binney and Harold Smith co-invent crayons.
- 1903: UK - Bottle-making machinery invented by Michael J. Owens.
- 1903: UK - Mary Anderson invents windshield wipers.
- 1903: USA - William Coolidge invents ductile tungsten used in lightbulbs.
- 1903: NL - Tram Hoogeveen-Nieuw Amsterdam rijdt voor het eerst.
47 | 1904 | |
48 | 1905 | |
49 | 1906 | |
50 | 1907 | |
51 | 1908 | |
52 | 1909 | - 1909: UK - Pianos reach maximum market penetration in UK households at one per ten people
- 1909: UK - 800 million postcards sold in England
- 1909: Japan - Prince Ito is Assassinated
- 1909: UK - Plastic Is Invented
- 1909: Arctic - Robert Peary Becomes the First to Reach the North Pole
- 1909: USA - William Taft president of the USA 1909-1913.
- 1909: UK - Instant coffee invented by G. Washington.
- 1909: NL - Prinses Juliana geboren.
- 1909: NL - Opening N.O.L.S. spoorlijn Delfzijl-Zuidbroek.
53 | 1910 | - 1910: UK - Georges Claude discovered that electricity conducted through a tube of the rare inert gas, neon, gives a bright red glow and that other gases gave off other colors, e.g., argon gives blue, helium gives yellow and white, etc.
- 1910: UK - First live opera broadcast
- 1910: UK - Halley's Comet Makes an Appearance
- 1910: UK - The Tango Catches On
- 1910: South Africa - Formation of Union of South Africa
- 1910: UK - Death of Edward VII
- 1910: UK - Population of England/Wales 36,070, Scotland - 4,761, N. Ireland - 1,251
- 1910: UK - Contributory National Insurance Scheme introduced by David Lloyd George, provides medical care, maternity benefits and sick pay
- 1910: UK - Parliament Act reduces House of Lords' veto to delaying power; House of Commons begins to pay members a stipend
- 1910: UK - There are 146,000 female clerical workers in England, up from 22,000 in 1891, 7,000 in 1881, and 19 in 1851
- 1910: USA - Thomas Edison demonstrated the first talking motion picture.
- 1910: UK - Infant mortality now 110 per 1000 live births, declines steadily to 24.4 in 1956; emigration reaches about 464,000/year; divorces average 823/year, go to 3,619/year in 1920-1922, 7,955/year in 1939 (latter rise because willful desertion, cruelty and incurable insanity added to causes in 1937)
- 1910: UK - Strikes of seaman, dock and transport workers, general railway strike for higher wages during period to 1912
- 1910: NL - Glasfabrieken in Nieuw Buinen bieden werk aan 800 mensen.
- 1910: NL - Bentheimer Eisenbahn rijdt tussen Coevorden en Duitsland.
- 20 Jan 1910: UK - George V, ruler of England to 1936. House of Windsor (name adopted Jul 17, 1917): 2nd son of Edward VII, married Princess Mary of Teck.
54 | 1911 | |
55 | 1912 | - 1912: North Sea - The Sinking of the Titanic: 1,515 people lose their lives.
- 1912: UK - Parachutes Invented
- 1912: UK - Piltdown Man, the 'Missing Link,' Discovered but later revealed as a fraud
- 1912: SOS Accepted as Universal Distress Signal
- 1912: UK - Motorized movie cameras invented, and replaced hand-cranked cameras.
- 1912: UK - The first tank patented by Australian inventor De La Mole.
- 1912: USA - Clarence Crane created Life Savers candy
- 1912: NL - De ondergang van de Titanic.
- 1912: NL - De eerste officiële Elfstedentocht wordt gewonnen door Coen de Koning.
56 | 1913 | - 1913: USA - Leo Baekeland invented a plastic laminate, known as Bakelite, and later as Formica
- 1913: Detroit, MI, USA - First assembly line introduced in Ford automobile factory
- 1913: New York, NY, USA - The Armory Show, an international display of some 1600 works of modern art, and one of the more important U.S. art exhibitions ever held, opens at the 69th-regiment armory. It arouses public curiosity, generates sensational news coverage, and helps change the direction of American art
- 1913: USA - Personal Income Tax introduced
- 1913: Washington, DC, USA - Woodrow Wilson president 1913-1921.
- 1913: UK - The crossword puzzle was invented by Arthur Wynne.
- 1913: USA - The Merck Chemical Company patented what is now known as ecstasy.
- 1913: USA - Mary Phelps Jacob invents the bra
- 1913: USA - Gideon Sundback invents the modern zipper.
- 1913: NL - Gasselternijveen vierde havenstad van Nederland na Amsterdam,Rotterdam en Groningen.
57 | 1914 | - 1914: UK - Battle of the Marne
- 1914: USA - Charlie Chaplin First Appeared as the Little Tramp
- 1914: UK - First Traffic Light
- 1914: Panama - Panama Canal Officially Opened
- 1914: Egypt - Britain proclaims protectorate over Egypt
- 1914: France - Stunning British casualty figures come from Loos -60,000; in on the Somme, 60,000 in one day; total for 5-month offensive - 400,000; Germans use poison gas at Ypres
- 1914: Ireland - Easter Monday Irish rebellion, Irish Volunteers (later Irish Republican Army) proclaim Irish Republic; German submarine lands Sir Roger Casement who is arrested, German ship with rifles intercepted off Irish coast, Casement executed; Sinn Fein and Ulster cannot agree on partition
- 1914: France - Passchendaele, British advance of 5 miles costs 400,000 casualties
- 1914: UK - Balfour Declaration promises Jews home in Palestine
- 1914: UK - First use of massed tanks (Battle of Cambrai)
- 1914: UK - King George V adopts Windsor as Royal Family's English surname in place of family's German name
- 1914: USA - Garrett A. Morgan invents the Morgan gas mask
- 1914: NL - Algemene mobilisatie.
- 4 Aug 1914: World War I begins and lasts until 1918, because Germany violates a treaty to respect neutrality of Belgium; Turkey enters war on Germany's side
58 | 1915 | |
59 | 1916 | |
60 | 1917 | |
61 | 1918 | - 1918: UK - Influenza Epidemic
- 1918: Russia - Czar Nicholas II and his family are killed
- 1918: UK - Summer:Great Influenza Epidemic begins, reaches height end of year, new outbreak first quarter of 1919: England and Wales lose 150,000 (15,000 in London alone)
- 1918: UK - Final casualties for World War I - almost 1 million British Empire men killed, about 3 million maimed (744,000 killed are from UK)
- 1918: UK - Women over 30 given the vote (complete voting equality with men comes in 1928), all men over 21 (except peers, lunatics and felons) given vote
- 1918: UK - Consumer purchasing power now about 1/3 of what it was in 1914
- 1918: USA - Charles Jung invented fortune cookies.
- 1918: UK - Police strikes this year and the next
- 1918: NL - NL - De Spaanse griep veroorzaakt wereldwijd meer dan 20 miljoen doden.
- 9 Nov 1918: Europe - Kaiser abdicates, peace signed two days later at Treaty of Versailles, ending World War I
62 | 1919 | |
63 | 1920 | - 1920: India - Bubonic Plague strikes
- 1920: UK - League of Nations Established
- 1920: UK - Population of England/Wales - 37,887, Scotland - 4,882, N.Ireland - 1,258
- 1920: UK - Economic slump, 2,170,000 unemployed
- 1920: Palestine - Serious clashes between Jews and Arabs
- 1920: USA - US restricts immigration
- 1920: Ireland - Southern Irish parliament passes Government of Ireland Act, civil war effectively ends (until 1968)
- 1920: UK - Lloyd George sells honours in return for party contributions, partly responsible for downfall of Coalition government
- 1920: Egypt - Britain recognizes Egyptian independence
- 1920: UK - British Broadcasting Company (BBC) begins transmission of speech over air to public
- 1920: Italy - Benito Mussolini becomes fascist dictator
- 1920: UK - First football cup final at Wembley
- 1920: UK - Greyhound racing becomes popular
- 1920: UK - Radio and cinema begin growth (by 1929, 3,000 cinemas in Britain)
- 1920: UK - Convictions for drunkenness fall from 189,000 in 1913 to 53,000 in 1930
- 1920: France - Tuberculosis vaccine developed
- 1920: UK - The tommy gun patented by John T Thompson.
- 1920: USA - The Band-Aid invented by Earle Dickson
- 1920: Ireland - Irish Republican Army begins Civil War with raids on police barracks and income tax offices all over Ireland
- 1920: UK - Communist Party of Great Britain founded; affiliation with Labour Party rebuffed = schism between communism and socialism
- 1920: UK - Population of Great Britain has grown by 5 per cent, emigration overseas declines from 256,000 in 1923 (post-war peak) to 92,000 in 1930 and many return to offset those leaving; British population gravitates to south and away from depressed areas of South Wales and northern England, Greater London is now over 8 million
- Dec 1920: Ireland - New Government of Ireland Act proposes partition of Ireland into Ulster (north) and Irish Free State (south), each to have its own government
64 | 1921 | |
65 | 1922 | |
66 | 1923 | |
67 | 1924 | |
68 | 1925 | |
69 | 1926 | |
70 | 1927 | |
71 | 1928 | |
72 | 1929 | |
73 | 1930 | |
74 | 1931 | - 1931: UK - Housing Act passes, provides subsidies for slum clearance
- 1931: USA - Al Capone Imprisoned for Income Tax Evasion
- 1931: UK - Auguste Piccard Reaches Stratosphere
- 1931: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Christ Monument Built on Hilltop
- 1931: New York, NY, USA - Empire State Building Completed
- 1931: USA - First official US National Anthem
- 1931: UK - Census shows British professional workers now number .75 million (8 per cent); up from 80,000 in 1921 Census: population: England/Wales - 39,952, Scotland - 4,842, N. Ireland - 1,243
- 1931: USA - Harold Edgerton invented stop-action photography.
- 1931: Germany - Germans Max Knott and Ernst Ruska co-invent the electron microscope.
- 1931: NL - De werkloosheidscijfers in Nederland stijgen tot ongekende hoogten.
- 24 Aug 1931: UK - Resignation of Labour government accepted by King, asks Ramsay MacDonald to form National Government (Coalition) to deal with economic crisis
- 21 Oct 1931: UK - General Election, vote for National Government overwhelming, more votes for Conservatives, Liberal party in disarray
75 | 1932 | - 1932: UK - Agricultural Marketing Act passed, regulates quality of produce
- 1932: USA - Air Conditioning Invented
- 1932: Amelia Earhardt First Woman to Fly Solo Across the Atlantic
- 1932: Cambridge, UK - Scientists Split the Atom
- 1932: USA - Zippo Lighters Introduced
- 1932: Ireland - De Valera succeeds Cosgrave as Prime Minister of Irish Free State, ousts British Governor-General, abolishes senate, alters law re citizenship to distinguish Irish nationality from British, but still claims Commonwealth membership
- 1932: USA - Polaroid photography invented by Edwin Herbert Land.
- 1932: UK - Unemployment falls from 3 million to below 2 million in July 1935; production rises, but imports steady, exports decline; new industries booming - chemicals, rayon, cars, radio, cost of living falls
- 1932: NL - De Zuiderzee wordt op 20 September officieel omgedoopt tot IJsselmeer.
- Sep 1932: UK - 6-7 million living on 'dole', worse in Tyne and Tees and Welsh valleys
76 | 1933 | |
77 | 1934 | |
78 | 1935 | - 1935: USA - First successful three-color roll film available to amateur photographers as Kodachrome, for slides, this year, and as Kodacolor (for prints) in 1942.
- 1935: UK - First Kit Kat sold
- 1935: USA - Alcoholics Anonymous Founded
- 1935: Germany - Anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws issued
- 1935: UK - John Maynard Keynes Suggests New Economic Theory
- 1935: USA - Wallace Carothers and DuPont Labs invent nylon
- 1935: USA - The first canned beer made.
- 1935: NL - Behalve het bekende Noorder Dierenpark dat op 1 mei wordt geopend, wordt tevens de oudheidskamer in gebruik genomen
- 1935: NL - Noorder Sanatorium wordt gebouwd in Zuidlaren
79 | 1936 | - 1936: UK - Edward VIII, ruler of England 1936. House of Windsor (name adopted Jul 17, 1917): Eldest son of George V.
- 1936: UK - BBC starts regular TV broadcasts
- 1936: USA - Dale Carnegie Publishes How to Win Friends and Influence People
- 1936: Germany - Nazi Olympics in Berlin
- 1936: Spain - Spanish Civil War Begins. Germany and Italy help rebels against government, Soviet Union aids government, as do International Brigade with volunteers from European countries and US during period to 1939
- 1936: UK - Arabs attack Jews and British troops and police, riots, strikes, outbursts of great violence, Jews attack Arabs and British, disorder continues through beginning of World War II
- 1936: USA - Bell Labs invents the voice recognition machine.
- 1936: USA - Samuel Colt patents the Colt revolver.
- 1936: Germany - Hitler and Mussolini make Rome-Berlin Axis agreement to conduct aggression together, followed by German agreement with Japan which Italy signs later
- 20 Jan 1936: UK - Death of King George V
- 12 May 1936: UK - George VI, ruler of England 1936-1952. House of Windsor (name adopted Jul 17, 1917): 2nd son of George V, Duke of York; married Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.
- 16 Nov 1936: UK - Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin learns Edward VIII wants to marry twice-divorced Mrs.Simpson and will abdicate if necessary, public storm breaks on 2- 3 December, King abdicates on 5 December, announces 10 December, Abdication Act rushes through 11 December; Duke of York (father of Queen Elizabeth II) becomes George VI
80 | 1937 | |
81 | 1938 | |